(Introducing Mark Bryan and Mary Stark; Hero and Miss Awesome)
(SUNSHINE CITY)(DR. ROBERTS LAB)From outside it looked almost like a regular tech laboratory, but on the inside; the neatly polished walls and its facilities were all one would need in lab... A superhero lab to be precise.Though this lab was owned by a man who goes by the name; Robert Hicks, but it's not actually a laboratory for the public; that's why it's in a secluded spot.Out of one of the other rooms came a young guy; American with black hair and shaves. His name’s Mark Bryan. But he wasn't there alone, rather there were three others in there with himMary Stark; a lady with an average stature, but who is she? Who was the first guy too?Well, they have something in common; both possess superpowers and are hoping to be superheroes.Next person with them was Ben Gilbert; a computer guy whose eyes were glued to the computer screen; just the one before him though, cause there are many more in there. Finally, we have Dr. Robert Hicks; as said earlier, he's the owner of the lab.Now that they were all seated, Dr. Robert spoke,
“Mark, Mary… your super-suits are ready,” Mark smiles slightly, but the doctor wasn’t done, “So are you guys ready to be superheroes?” “Yes, we are…” Mary answers, “If my dad can be a superhero in Star City, then I can do that too. And it feels even better to have someone else who has superpowers on the team.” Ben chuckles softly while Mark said, “There ain’t much threats on this city, but this is the age of superpowers, so we’re just doing this in case of emergencies…”Ben nods and added, “Oh yeah, we can't rule that out. But not to worry, I’ll be right behind the computer desks here monitoring everything that goes on”
He smirks, while Mark replies, “But I have unfinished businesses I should attend to, and I won’t make it direct, I’ll avenge my parents by tearing down Johnny’s life”.Dr. Robert adjusts his spectacle and asked, “Mr. Johnny Tony, right?... the man who murdered your parents!”. He Sighs and continues, “Mark… I’d say the time to avenge them is getting closer… but not right now”. Ben stopped working on the computer, looking surprised, so he asked, “So what you’re trying to say is that Johnny Tony, like… the same Johnny Tony everyone knows… he murdered your parents, why?” Mary exhales sharply and answers, “because Mark’s parents revealed all of his father’s dark secrets, and due to shock of being revealed plus the shame, Johnny’s father committed suicide”“Then he killed my parents,” Mark said with a serious face; putting on a frown before he concluded, “and my unborn sibling”Ben gasps, “So, we’re gonna have to take him down soon”. Mary scoffs and said, “Just like in Star City, the famous businessman, Mr. Benson, and Dr. Hans were the ones who caused my mom’s death”
Dr. Robert replied, “why do rich businessmen do crazy things?”. “no idea” Mark replies and added, “…now where are our outfits?”(SUNSHINE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT - SCPD)
A lot of movement was going on in here; cops moving around and discussions amongst some; but wasn’t noisy. The Captain of the police station was in his quiet office with his Assistant having a conversation when the door was knocked. Their conversation was disrupted while the Captain said aloud, “Come in!” Immediately, a young lady, came in smiling, 24 years, long black and straight hair, was also an American. She was putting on a black shirt, and brown jeans trousers which was fitted; she was a detective as well. The Captain said as she came in, “Oh, Beth, what’s the problem?”. Bethany shrugs her shoulder and clears her throat before she brought herself to answer, “Huh, we’re about to release Rey Carrillo. But Sir, I don’t think we should just let him… go scot free… we both know he’s a notorious criminal” The assistant looked at the Captain saying, “Bethany is right, I think we should detain him for bit longer” but Bethany cuts in quickly, “No, we should let him go, but I’m gonna tail him, and by doing that, we can get the others”The captain replied, “Good idea, do that please”. Bethany nodded with a smile of excitement which she was trying not to show, “Yes sir!”
She left the office immediately, but as soon as she stepped outside, her phone began to ring.She hurriedly checked the caller like she was expecting a call already; ‘Mark- My Man’ was the contact’s saved name.She smiled awkwardly and answered the call while walking to a quiet passageway, she spoke into the phone, “Hello, Mark… yeah I’m still at the station, and I’m actually going out to spy on someone… yeah, I’ll be careful, babe. Thanks… I love you too honey, okay… 6pm is fine. I’ll be available. Bye”. she ended the call, smiling sheepishly and then continued on to the other cops.(DR. ROBERTS LAB)
Mary and Ben were now the only ones present, and it looked like the former was in thoughts, so Ben asked, “What’s going on with you? You look sad… what’s the problem?” “Well, I’m actually just tired, nothing more” She responded, faking a smile. Ben chuckles softly and replied, “You can’t fool me, Mary… I know it's about your feelings for Mark” Mary looks up and sighs, while Ben continues, “… But he has a girlfriend... and their relationship is definitely on the right track to eternity…” “I’m fine, just forget it... it’s okay, they’re good together… and in no time, I’ll probably find my soulmate”, Mary said while she got off the chair.“That's right. And a quick info; I might be travelling soon... to UK to meet my family though the day isn't fixed yet”, Ben said as he continues working on the computer.
“Alright, But where’s Mark?”, Mary asked looking curious, while Ben answered, “Gone… to help Bethany, in case she gets into any form of trouble”. He continues, “Sometimes I wish had superpowers so I can impress my girlfriend even more, and I wouldn’t hide my powers from her like Mark does...” “I’ll be back”, Mary said, not minding what Ben said, so she went out immediately.Outside a building was Rey Carrillo; the criminal who was just released by the cops. He had a black jacket on, with a shirt beneath, which was accompanied by chinos trousers and black shoes.
He was just about to go into the abandoned warehouse with another guy who looked more like a gangster. They were being watched from nearby by Bethany and four other detectives who also dressed casually.And as soon as the duo went in, Bethany said to the others “That’s it… it must be their hideout, let’s go… Jonas call for back up if we don’t come out in 3 minutes”. Jonas replies sharply, “okay” Bethany and 3 others went on to the building while Jonas stayed behind, checking his wrist watch.The barged in and it looked like an emptied warehouse. They saw Rey Carrillo; seated like a boss while other gangsters were on their feet; pointing guns at cops. He stood up and chortles, then yells, “I knew you would follow me and here you are, my realm… I would call it”
Bethany replies, “Oh wow… nice trap to catch us but I hope you remember we’re not the only cops in the city so just surrender”, she still looked confident.Rey pulled out a pistol gun and pointed at her while he was meters away, “I’m gonna blow your heads off one by one… and I’m starting with you little bitch” “I don’t think you wanna do that”, Bethany said, while Rey chuckles. “I’m the boss here, this will be a warning to all the others!”, He yelled, and concluded, “I don’t wanna waste my cute little bullets on you… guys! Kill them!”.The gangsters opened fire, but the detectives jumped to different sides but one of the cops was shot on his shoulder. While Rey was about to leave, walking away from the other side where he and his gangsters positioned themselves. Suddenly, something crashed in through the roof; so fast, that on landing, the ground vibrated and a shock wave spreads out pushing everyone backwards. It wasn’t a thing, but a person, the ground had cracks, the roof had an opening, and right in the middle was a person, dressed in a black superhero outfit which reached down to his legs. It was long sleeved, and its’ ends were grey. His hair was brushed to a side, and he was putting on black boots, as well as fitted black trousers which looked joined to the top, but a belt was on his waist, grey in color, while on his chest was an ‘H’ symbol also grey in color. His outfit looked shiny and reflective, though black in color, he had a long black cape behind his back, which was being blown slowly, He was putting on a mask which covered his eye region, but his eye balls were visible. It was Mark, donning his superhero outfit; but who would know? Nobody..Rey came forward asking as he looked stunned, “Who are you?”“I AM HERO!”. He replied; slowly raising his head.Then he boosted towards Rey and delivered a punch to his face which pushed the latter away and also knocked him out.The others were shocked, and they quickly began to reload their guns with bullets so they could shoot him, but he was already attacking them as he moved swiftly avoiding the bullets of those who were now shooting.He snapped guns in two and knocked each out with a punch or two on the face. He continued this till they were all unconscious; amazing the detectives and Bethany whose mouth was wide open.The door was opened immediately and more cops came in, along with Jonas. They were surprised to see the unconscious gangsters, and Hero was still right there. While the cops were taking the gangsters, he looks up and flew outside speedily through the opening in the roof, while breeze blew off dust on the ground.One of Bethany’s seniors asked her, “What happened here?”, Bethany answered saying, “Sir, that unknown person just left saved our lives and knocked them out, really quick”
“And who is that person? Another criminal, an enemy of Rey Carrillo or what?”, He asked Bethany sighs and responded, “I don’t know… yet, sir… but his name HERO”(DR. ROBERTS LAB)
Mark was back, and Mary was speaking to him, “You just went out there alone, why did you do that? Because it was your girlfriend who was in danger… huh?”. “Yeah, I had to go” He said, but Ben interrupts as he called their attentions to the computer on the wall saying, “Guys, over here, live news on the TV”. They looked up and saw the headline; ‘Super human takes down gangsters’Mark smiles and said, “Cool, right?”. Mary scoffs and replies, “No. Not cool… I should’ve been there as well. We should be the heroes… not just you” Dr. Roberts came in saying as he entered, “And you should have introduced yourself properly so they can know you are a superhero”. “I’m sorry guys… next time we’ll save the day together”, Mark said. Mary replied saying, “Who knows when a next time will come”. She stormed out of the lab while Ben said to Mark, “She’s not angry, she’s just pissed”, he smirks.(A RESTAURANT)
That evening, Mark and Bethany were seated on chairs opposite one another. She was putting on a cream-colored fitted and elastic gown which reached to her knees. Her long black hair dropped on her shoulders, while she was also putting on black high heeled shoes.Mark was putting on a cream-colored long arm top which had a turtle neck, it was also elastic and fitted. He was on black jean trousers as well, and black sneakers. His hair well combed to the back, and his shaves smooth.Obviously, they were having a conversation, as both parties were laughing, then Bethany asked, “What do you do now? Still acquiring knowledge or what?”. “Huh, partially yes…”, He said, then continues, “I do some other things too”. Bethany smiling, replied, “Good, that's nice”Mark clears his throat and asked, “If we get married, will you quit being a cop?”. Bethany chuckles softly, and answered “I don’t think I can quit”. Mark sighs deeply, “But it’s a dangerous job… I heard you almost got shot when you went after the gangster into his den… and some kind of… super guy came to the rescue” “Yeah, but it’s my job… and I love being a cop… I won’t let some kind of super person stop me from carrying out my duties… I should have captured the gangsters… he just left as he came… destroying the roof. He must be some kind of dangerous guy too”, She concludedMark replied immediately, “You think so? There’s a possibility of you being dead if he didn’t save the day”. They continued their conversation, while outside the restaurant, on the other side of the road, was a car; in the Audi R8 car was a man watching them. His face not revealed, but from the back, he had a short hair, and through the mirror, we can see he had a smile on his face. The engine revs as he drove away, the cars’ plate number was ‘Johnny T.’(MARY’S HOUSE)
Her small sized house had a lot of necessities, and it was cozy and quiet. Mary was in her house that night on a couch. She looked lonely and unhappy, when she heard a sudden knock on the door; it came twice.She looked to the door's direction and got up trying not to make a sound, so she walked slowly to the door and looked through the hole to see who it was, but she didn’t see anyone. She turned back about to head back to the couch, then she heard the knock again, and this time it was louder. Mary asked immediately and out frustration, “Who’s there?”. Then she got a reply from a calm male voice, “Is that Mary in there? I’m a friend of yours from Star City”. Mary sighs and opened the door only to see a guy putting on a clown-like mas.She tried to shut the door immediately, but he blocked it while she moved backwards, and then the unexpected happened, his hands stretched like rubber to grab her and then the stranger threw her at the wall. Mary hits her back on the wall while she fell to the ground afterwards. The masked guy came in with his hands now back to normal then he began to pick any valuable thing he saw into a big bag. But as he was about to leave, Mary stood up and made to attack him.He tries to deliver a punch to her face, but she ducked, while she spin-kicked him on his face, causing the mask to fall, but before she could see his face, he hid his face. The mask rolled away more when he tried to pick it up, because Mary had stylishly blown it away with wind. The intruder dropped everything he stole and clenched his fist, which became bigger only to deliver a super punch to her torso. She was pushed backwards falling on her back, while he ran away quickly. As Mary stood up, she saw he was gone and she picked up her phone to dial Ben’s number.# # # # # # #
(Introducing Alice and Annie; Amazing Girl and Scarlet Lady)
Two humane figures could be spotted close to a forest; and it seemed like they were battling one another, one on grey and the other on black while a girl was running towards them screaming, “Dad!... Dad!! Shan please, stop!”. The one on black shot a blast at the other man, which sent the girl’s father flying backwards, resulting in him hitting his back against a tree. The young, 10 years old girl ran towards her exhausted looking father, shedding tears. “Alice my girl, don’t cry” Her father said.She turned at the one on black, staring at him, while she was panting heavily, anger written all over her face, “Please, Shan… don’t do this… what has my father done to you to deserve death?... First, you killed my mother, and now my father…”, She pleaded.Wizard Shan began to come closer, pulling out a black dagger from the right side of his black robe, “It’s just that, for me to live, he must die… a lot more people must die. Step aside girl, or you might be added to the list too”, Shan said with a broad smile on his face; he chuckles mischievously.
The other wizard; Alice’s father stood up slowly groaning. He touched his daughter’s shoulder while Shan was still coming slowly, the girl’s father then whispered to her, “Alice, this is my last gift for you… go to Billy’s house”. Alice wipes her tears, and suddenly, Shan was hit and thrust backwards by an invisible force, meanwhile Alice’s father vanished slowly right on that spot. Alice tried not to cry anymore, and she could see Shan was crawling away.(MR BILLY’S HOUSE)
Billy and his five year old daughter; Annie were together, he was reading a story to her from a book and she had full concentration on him.Then, they heard a soft knock on the door, Billy stood up walking towards the door, “who’s there?” He asked. And he was replied by Alice who stood outside, “It’s Alice…” He opened the door and saw her clothes were rough, she came in and sat down while Billy shut the door thereafter.He looked worried and already knew there was a problem, so he asked, “Where’s your dad?”. Alice looked up at him, and replied, “He’s gone… he asked me to come here”. Billy gasps, and replied, “Shan… he did it?” Alice nodded while Billy turned to his daughter, “Annie, this is your new sister… Alice”, he said.Related Chapters
Fantastic League of Heroes Origins (II)
(17 YEARS LATER)(NEW CITY, 2020)It's been 17 years since the demise of Alice’s father; and she’d been living with Billy and his daughter; Annie.The girls being sisters and having a favorite friend; Bella.Now all were in Alice’s room together; having a conversation. Alice; currently 27 years, with long black hair which rested on her shoulders, she was putting on white pajamas, with multiple teddy bear illustrations on it. Annie; 22 years, red haired but not as long as Alices'. Hers was at the level of the back of her neck. She was putting on a black cardigan, and dark-tan trousers. Bella; 26 years, her hair was black and just as Annie’s length. She also had the most attractive body, cause the two others looked slim in their outfits, while Bella was putting on a black jacket, and a black tight trouser which showed off her curves.Annie and Bella looked ready to go out, except Alice. “You know… it’s actually been fun using our powers together secretly”, Alice said, smiling sheepishly
Fantastic League of Heroes Origins (III)
Dan and Tyler were ready as the braced themselves to shoot their firsts, “You know you can’t win me in this”, Dan boasted.One of the tutors yelled “fire!” They both shot one arrow each at the same time and it hit the tree but not the center, the tutor said again “Shoot one more” They quickly picked another and shot again, but this time, Dan’s arrow hits the center while Tyler’s was a miss. Tyler asked “Scores please?” The tutor replied, “Dan is on 1.5, you’re on 0.5” Dan chuckles while the tutor said again “Shoot another” Dan shot his first then Bravo shot his own as well and both of their arrows hit the center” “Dan, 2.5 Tyler, 1.5” The tutor said, and just as he was about to speak to them on continuing, the Old Master interrupts, “shoot two at a time” “oh no” Tyler exclaims. “Tyler, you can do it!” Nina yelled.Tyler sighs as he raised his arrows, Dan also. Then the tutor yelled, “fire!”. Dan shot his arrows immediately while smiling and Tyler shot his own as w
Fantastic League of Heroes Memories of The Past
(SUNSHINE CITY BANK)The same thief was at the bank putting on a shiny designer shirt, and his clown mask. He had a gun in his hand, and another in his pocket, he was packing jewelries into his bag, as the people were all laid down in fear. He yells at them, “You all have lots of cash but do you ever think about we the poor ones? No, you don’t… now I’ll be damn rich and I’ll leave this country. Last night I wasn’t thinking big enough, but now this is it… The right thing I should be doing”.He was about to leave when he was blown backwards by a sudden wind. Miss Awesome (Mary) came in, she was putting on a grey colored outfit, a top with a jacket on it, and a grey trouser as well, but the lower part of the arm and legs were darker, she had a mask on which covered the eye region. Hero came in next also in his dark outfit.Cops arrived as well and they entered pointing their guns at Hero, Miss Awesome and the thief. “You’re making a mistake; this lady and I are heroes”, Hero
Fantastic League of Heroes Powers and Threats
Bella said to Alice, “Let me handle this, I can’t let you fight your sister; she has to come with us by force, cause it looks like something is really wrong with her”. Alice moved back with tears already in her eyes while Bella went forward and immediately began to shoot frosts of ice at Annie, but Annie’s eyes turns red and speedily dodged the attacks, then sent a circular blast of scarlet energy, Bella quickly made a shield of ice to block but the shield was shattered and she was thrown backwards to the ground. She stood up immediately and began to shoot solid and sharp ice daggers at Annie, while Alice yelled at Bella, “Do you wanna kill her?”. The Ice daggers stopped moving while Bella then made the daggers fall, Annie chuckles softly and yells, “Don’t hold back, I’ll still kill you both”. Bella immediately made ice balls and hurled it towards Annie; firing them continually, but the latter was breaking the ice balls with punches, which easily shattered it to bits. Annie
Fantastic League of Heroes Secrets
She kicked him and asked, “Who is Hero?”. Dr. Roberts answered saying, “You’ll never know, I’ll never tell you”. He chuckles and she said to him, “I’m actually waiting for him to come here” Hero landed slowly behind the lady as well as Miss Awesome at the front, and the lady raised her hands saying, “Perfect timing, take me to your lab!”(DR. ROBERTS LAB)The lady was tied to a chair and also handcuffed while Mark, Mary, Ben, Kyle, and Dr. Robert were there staring at her. Her mask had been removed, and it was a beautiful young looking lady.Mary asked, “Who are you?”. She rolls her eyes and replied, “Well, I’m gonna tell you, but first know this, I let you capture me so I can come here to tell you everything, or else, your counterpart…” she stares at Mark, “… will kill me!”. Ben looked surprised, and he asked, “What do you mean?... counterpart?”, She replied sharply, “Yes, I’m sure he must have visited you Mark”. Mark asks, “Moza?”. She nodded and answered, “Yes”. Mark exh
Fantastic League of Heroes Unforseen Foes
(DR. ROBERTS LAB)Hero, Miss Awesome, and Nesa were about to go meet Moza while Kyle, Ben and Dr. Roberts were to stay behind.Dr. Roberts said as they were about to leave, “if it turns out that Nesa is deceiving you, what will you do?”Miss Awesome answered saying, “then we’ll beat them up together”.Kyle’s eyes was fixed on his phone and he seemed bothered, “something’s not right, why would my sister be leaving this city”.Mark replies saying, “I just spoke to her a while ago… she doesn't mention such”.Kyle gave his phone to Ben who connects it to the computer and it showed the map of Sunshine City and a red dot on the road that leads to leaving the city, Miss Awesome smirks and said, “wait… you put a tracker on your sister?”. “Not exactly, but it’s for her safety, and she did it first, I also w
Fantastic League of Heroes Challenges
(MR. MARK EDDIE’S HOUSE)Alice was laid on a bed asleep while Michael, Bella, Danny and Annie were together having a conversation, Danny said, “after running tests on her, she’s absolutely fine, but she’s like… uh, in coma, and I don’t know when she’ll wake up”. Annie sighs and replied, “So what kind of villain are we up against here?”.Bella replied saying, “One that puts a person in a deep sleep, but how does he do it? That’s what I think we have to know”. “and also bring Alice back” Michael added before Danny replies, “I’ll try my best concerning that”The guy who just stole from the museum was in a house, away from other houses, he opens the books slowly and light shone from it on his face, he looked surprised and said to himself, “This… this is it, I have to save
Fantastic League of Heroes Chaos Brewing
Hero and Miss Awesome went back to the same place Bethany had been taken to before and there, they saw the guy right there, standing as always, he said on their arrival “Welcome, you have questions to ask, and now is the best time to do that”. “Why are you doing this...? who are you?... what do you want?”, Hero asked, and the guy answered calmly, saying, “I’m doing this because I have the power to do it, I am Photo Power, I called myself that… you can call our team of Phantom, Punisher and myself, the 3Ps. Lastly, what I want is different from what my friends want… I wanna see Johnny Tony dead too”, he chuckles softly, “... Mark you see we have a common enemy”.Hero looks surprised while Miss Awesome asked, “if Johnny Tony is your enemy, why are you fighting us? Are you trying to play mind games on us?”.Photo Power
Latest Chapter
Fantastic Future of Heroes
(UNIVERSE 1)(IC 1101 GALAXY)The largest galaxy in the Universe; has no alternate versions in other universes, but exists in all the other universes, connected to all the universes. So, one would say, it is the largest Galaxy in the Multiverse. This galaxy has a pathway to all other universes, and can be used for dimensional travels as well. It is only one, but can be seen in all other universes. Everything in this galaxy were of bigger sizes than the ones we’ve seen/are in other galaxies. And this galaxy is home to many celestial beings and races; even gods as well. This galaxy serves as a point that holds the other universes together. It’s so large, that the Milky Way Galaxy of ours is like nothing to it.(PLANET GONALIS)In a palace like construction; with beautiful and mighty walls; so large that it contained many humane figures, but these beings were at least 7ft tall, but younger ones would be below that. This palace was crowded, as the crowd seen here were murmuring amongst
Vengeance Society Saga (V)
TTP (Henry) began to walk towards Queen mirror saying, “looks like it’s Time to play”He spread his hands to the side and different portals appeared all around everyone, leaving no space of escape, one would have to enter a portal to go anywhere and where would these portals even lead to.He Miyasaka unsheahes her sword and jumps into one of it coming out of Queen mirror’s sdie, but Queen mirror was quick to duck as she bend backwards while Mia shot lightning streaks into another one, but it flew out if one into another and another before hitting her backwards into the portal Miyasaka sent into so she fell out of the one which was beside Queen mirror, hitting Miyasaka carelessly “get into only the ones on my right and left” TTP yelled, “all portals lead to it’s slant opposite”Queen mirror also heard this and smiled, she was about to go into one, but as Natasha screamed into one of the portals, Queen mirror was thrown backwards by the Sonic scream which came out of the one she wa
Vengeance Society Saga (IV)
(LAGOS, NIGERIA)While Velocity Black was running, he noticed something that made him stop abruptly as he skids forward and turns to the direction seeing a lady who was emitting microwaves from allover her while her eyes shone light; she was also blasting someone who was before her; a person who had created a force field shield which he used to block the attacks; Velocity Black stared for few seconds before darting towards both of them and as he stopped, they turned to him surprised by his presence. “Huh… Velocity Black?”, the lady exclaimed, while Oluyemi replied, “And who are you both?”.In a house were the two as well as Velocity Black; they had already explained who they are to him and he was now speaking to both of them, “So you’re just… I mean, you have superpowers, and don’t know what you should do about it?”The lady smiled and answered saying, “Kind of… but I… I’m just scared of using them publicly; it would only attract threats”The guy smirks and replied, “
Vengeance Society Saga (III)
An orange streak of lightning was moving all around the city; so fast that it was almost impossible to notice. It whooshed past cars and buildings; going in and out of buildings; almost covering half of the city already when it suddenly stopped inside a house.The heroes immediately turned to see him at the same time. They were all stunned by his sudden arrival and current state...Oluyemi was now in a regular outfit, and his costume on a chair, Derek was speaking at the moment, “You showed up suddenly… and we definitely need many hands on deck as we can get”Oluyemi nods in agreement and replies, “So, the others have been captured by… a professor… thought? But I came here because I need your help too… and immediately I came in, I felt something different; as I tried to turn back, a force field blocked my way” “So why was your outfit like that?”, Henry asked. Oluyemi sighs deeply, “Well, it turns out Queen Mirror and her team are bad guys; they lied” “I knew i
Vengeance Society Saga (II)
(LAGOS, NIGERIA)Jamie, Derek, Trevor, Henry, Miyasaka, Kikkawa, Shin, Ronnie, and Oluyemi were all together, standing outside a house. “This is the point where we go back home, back to family…” Jamie said with a stern look, “and rest before another task comes up for the Vengeance Society”Ronnie exhales and said, “I’m also leaving Nigeria, I have some important works in UK…” “Well, I’ll always be here”, Oluyemi replied. “Something tells me you’re gonna make a good superhero team leader”, Trevor said to Oluyemi who smiles and replied, “Huh… I’m not sure… But, thank you”Henry asked, “So, Shin, Kikkawa, where are you going?” “Tokyo of course”, Shin answered, “we gotta keep people safe from more people who aspire to be like Yamaoka”Kikkawa added, “And that’s our home… you didn’t ask Miya?” “That’s because he knows I’m going to Star City with him”, Miyasaka replies with a smile on her face. Kikkawa hugs Miyasaka tightly, and after they pulled away from each
Vengeance Society Saga (I)
(LAGOS, NIGERIA)J*C, TTP, Miyasaka, Shin, and Roving Archer were walking together inside a large building in which no one was. The lights were all switched on and it was quiet in there. J*C yells, “Yamaoka! We know you’re here, face us if you can” Immediately, Yamaoka came out of nowhere, but not alone; he came out with Phantom Beast (Tunde) J*C chuckles softly and said, “You have a new backup… again, and you’re gonna let him die while you escape, you won’t change” Yamaoka unsheathes his sword and replied, “Not backup, he’s gonna break your bones, and as for me, I’m gonna cut you In two” ” We’ll see… I’ll take on you”, said Roving Archer. Yamaoka smirks and said, “You… you’re extraordinarily amazing, but I don’t care, I’m still faster” .******************* .Thunder Man, Brain, Velocity black (Oluyemi), and Kikkawa were left behind at Ronnie’s house. They were having a conversation, when Derek (Brain) said suddenly, “shh stop!” They all kept quiet and he whisp
A Closure
(HIGHVILLE)It’s been about 2 months since the encounter with Madam Ghost, and criminal acts reduced a lot. Kate is now pregnant as well. The team stayed together in one place; talking about how they’ve all been living with peace. “the changes are positive and it makes me really happy”, Natalie said “Of course… it was worth it”, Tiger replied “except we’ve got something to deal with now…”, Selena interrupts “Okay… go ahead… rest not ye heroes”, Kate chuckles...The guy who tagged along with Madam Ghost had come; remember he once said he has something against Randy… like a score to settle. Looks like it… cause you’re about to discover more about Randy Sharp’s past; we know he was a soldier and made Donnie as an enemy because he was a soldier. But something else is coming; even from way back!The guy was currently masked when Captain, Red Tiger, and Sharpshooter arrived “who are you?”, Randy asked “I’m Blood…”, he answeredRandy looked around and saw the damages h
Heroes of Clifford City
(CLIFFORD CITY)Tyler, Nina Barnes and Julio Juliana stayed together while the old master's staff was right before then, “so what are you gonna do?*, Tyler asked his sister, and she quickly answered saying, “I'll locate him with this… I'll find him… but I need to use my blood” “oh”, Nina exclaims, “and it's gonna work?” “absolutely… no doubt at all”, Juliana was confident Barnes sighs before speaking, “then let's do this… we gotta find him” “and you're staying right here, Nina”, Tyler added. She stared at him for few seconds before she nods her head in agreement. .Dana, Shana, Mr. Alfred and Ray were in another part of the building having a conversation too, “what do you guys think about Jane not being amongst us… it's been a while and seriously, we don't know why she's like this”, Shana started, but Dana continues, “yes, and this was because of Tyler’s mistake… he shouldn’t have left her to speak to the woman and now she could be under some magical… W
Heroes of New City
(NEW CITY)(MR. MARK EDDIE’S HOUSE) “she’s been unwell since the time she was manipulated”, Alice said at the presence of the others, except Bella and TanyaAnnie was lying on a bed, her eyes closed tightly as she squeezed the duvet which was used to cover her. Jenny who was seated beside her quickly calls the attention of the others, “she’s having bad dreams again,” “Yes”, Marcus replied, “and we should stop preventing her from going out there to find the red ring” “we already agreed on this… Those rings have dangerous powers… we can’t let her go… we’ll figure something out and help her…” “you claim it’s dangerous, why don’t you get rid of the one with you… cause it looks like the time is coming… it’s almost here”, Marcus said furiously, “get rid of it… oh, you’ll say no cause your mother gave it to you, right?”Alice grins as she yelled at him “Quiet!” the force is the loud scream threw Marcus back before hitting his back and falling to the ground. “Alice!”,