Road to Crises


Randy and Roose were back with the thief on mask who was robbing the bank. He had been tied to a chair and also cuffed, Natalie asked curiously,

“Why haven’t you taken off his mask yet? Take it off already” Roose took of the thief’s mask and they were all surprised by what they saw, it was a lookalike of Randy who looks just a little bit younger. Kate asked,

“Randy, is this your brother?” Randy answered saying “I… I don’t have a brother”

Natalie yells “then who the fuck is this? A doppelganger or something?” Roose asked “who are you?”

The thief looked up and answered, “I am… Randy”

Kate staggered and quickly sat on a chair saying “can someone please pinch me… I think I’m dreaming”

Roose said to the thief “No, you’re not… you’re putting on a mask, and you wanna destroy Randy’s image”

Randy checks if he was putting on a mask but he wasn’t and he said looking surprised, “he’s not putting on a mask… this could be some technology stuff or…”

The thief inter
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