II. The book

Miyazaki Naoki's POV

"Where does the other one appear?"

"To Hans? Or maybe .."

"To someone else?"

I suddenly thought, because of what Hans said about how Kio seemed to see someone next to me.

That I think is a shadow figure too, but that was just my accusations, conclusions based on what Hans just said. And the way Kio reacted when I said that about the shadow figure.

Seems to be a pretty solid proof.


I was about to leave Hans in the kitchen when he suddenly spoke again.

"Oh one more thing." Hans chased.

"What?" I asked.

"He also kinda saw something beside you a while ago before we ate." Hans said.

"What did he see?" I asked.

"I don't know but he was reaching at you but when I touched his shoulder nothing seemed to happen. He just bowed suddenly." He explained.

Hmm .. What did he suddenly see at that time? Is it the same as what happened to me?

"Is it the same as what I saw last time?" I suddenly uttered as I recalled what happened.

"Same with what you saw?" Hans
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