Demonic Angel

From day to day, Phil never leaves Faul's side which has already started bugging Faul himself that he doesn't want others to think that Phil has lost his mind.

Even though that Faul doesn't want to believe the stories of a wyvern, he decided to try it out with Phil to know if it is true and whether Phil has become one.

On a faithful day, Faul took Phil into the training quarters to clarify his doubts about Phil.

"Are we here to train? Because I will like to test out my strength against you", Phil asked excitedly.

"Phil, you will test it out but now I want to clarify something.", Faul sat down cross-legged looking directly at Phil who was just standing cluelessly.

“Can you fight for me, Phil? How much will you risk to protect me.", This question Faul asked triggered something in Phil and he knelt on one knee.

"Yes!, I can fight for you whenever and wherever. I will risk my life and everything I have to protect you master!", Phil bowed before Faul showing his allegiance.

The answ
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