Chapter 17: Unnecessary thoughts

Luke’s mission was to kill a princess. Valor’s mission always comes from the higher-ups in the royal family. The only shady part was… Why the royal family is targeting its family members?

“You must be wondering why?”

I don’t put too much emotion on my face but he still can read my thought. Luke you’re terrifying.

“It's true, Why the royal family will kill their own family? Are they that cold-blooded?”

“I was in shock when I heard mt mission. I questioned the majesty and he answered me quickly. He said Alicia is not of royal blood. Alicia was a mistake from the king's mistress. The real father of Alicia is an ordinary farmer. It was a rumor all around the kingdom. She’s going to be killed for the shame she brings to the country. As far as I’m concerned it’s an easy job, Alicia doesn’t have the great magical ability or combat skills.”

“If it's easy why you're the one who took the mission. You are the strongest in the family.”

“You have s

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