Chapter 23: Battle in steel Island (Part 2)

After defeating [4], only two demon contract users remain on the shore. The demon contract users started to kill adventurers in revolutionary knights. We can't let those things continue.

"Ren, Konoha I don't like those two. Could you defeat these two already?"

Said Alicia who is supporting the adventurers. With the support, she did many injured adventurers are ready to fight again. Hearing her request.

I guess I need to go too.

"Alicia our secret plan."

I said.

"Eh? But it's should be a trump card right?"

"Don't worry, this two are big shots... I'm insulting them if I fight them with my weak self. I will go all out for them too."

Alicia smiled and nodded.

Understanding what I'm saying she cast a spell that called upon dark clouds and block the sunlight on the entire island. Now that there is no sunlight. I can manifest my dark being.

"Vampire form!"

During this past battle and training, I started

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