Chapter 60: Flaming swordsman

Waking up in this place I didn’t know. Wondering without real direction. Just like what Akashic said to me Hikari is in this world and It’s my job to find her. Even I have a fixed goal in my mind. Finding one person in this vast world is hard.

She should at least give me some clues on where she is.

It’s been many hours now and I’m still wondering by myself in this forest. The night is about to fall and the sky is dyed in orange.

Even though I wanted to hurry and find a place to stay. I started to lose hope and accept the fact that I’m going to sleep in this dark forest for tonight.

“Help me! Help!”

I heard a scream nearby. I run and responded to the voice screaming for help.

Reaching the place I saw a young-looking girl who is about to be attacked by a group of wolf.

When she saw me, her eyes were widened and her big tears goes down to her red cheeks.

This world is different from my previous world. I don’t know if the c


Hello! This is the Author of Flaming Assassin... This novel is the first one I made. I'm very happy to share it with everyone. The story is like a rollercoaster ride honestly. Many rooms for improvement. I anyway to people reaching this part. Thank you ... Thank you so much! Currently, the story entered Part 3: New World.... Part 2: Destruction sure has many destructive moments. Part 2 compare to part 1 is short. But I think it's fine. Dragging things too much is wrong. Part 3 will focus on Miyuki and Ren. Enjoy reading and god bless.

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