Chapter 63: Goblins

Waking up early and walking toward the south, we immediately reach the cave that connects the dark territory and the human territory.

Miyuki walked behind me with a scared expression on her face. She has her dagger ready in her hand. While I’m walking in front of a mystical flower that’s able to release light. This flower is called a photon flower.

These flowers are sold in the shop at a cheap price. It can last 6 hours of use.

The chilly breeze from the deeper part of the cave blew. Resulting in Miyuki to push herself behind me.

“It’s just wind.”

“Still I’m scared.”

“Okay, don’t let go of m sleeve.”

Miyuki nodded.

Well, this cave is dark and the map is quite unreliable. This map cost 100 copper and it’s very useless.

I then heard and dropping sound from above. I light up the dropping location and saw a liquid. This liquid is not water. As I put the

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