Chapter# 10

"Good thing they're gone. Gee, I can't even smoke with them roaming about", Jessica seemed frustrated.

"My parents aren't that freaky, I smoke in front of them", Lucy said.

"Ok, stop boasting about your goody good parents and go fetch some for me", Jessica replied.

There's nobody home except for whom I came for. I tried to get myself drunk but nothing really happened, I'm not foggy enough, I'll remember all this. But I've got to get these toxic wenches out of my life.

Murdering people seems like a drug now. I can't stop, no matter how much I try to distract myself. I always end up at my pursuer's house.

I leaned in her room a bit more. Careful not to get caught beforehand.

"Where do you keep 'em, anyway?", Lucy asked.

"Where do ya think, my second last drawer", Jessica waved a key, "It's locked".

Lucy scooted up and grabbed it.

"Don't touch anything else", she called her from behind.

"And your lighter?".

"Oh, it broke, I'll get the lights", Jessica got up.

I ducked and ran full speed
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