Author: Belladiana17
last update2022-04-05 19:53:39

Note to self: before you start running away in a brainless frenzy, make sure you have shoes on.

Cara leaned against the side of a building, her breath sawing in and out of her lungs, and gingerly lifted one foot to look at the damage. Good grief in a fuck-it bucket. The bare skin of her sole resembled a plowed field. She set the foot back down, grimacing at the pain.

For a moment, she let her head rest against the wall behind her, listening to her pulse roar in her ears.

You’re turning into a agastopia demon…it looked like you were about to kill your brother…you’re hungry and driven by instincts…you’ll need to feed tonight…

The demon’s words echoed in her mind, a swirling, confusing, irritating mess of messages she felt no inclination to make sense of. He—what did he say his name was? A-something. H…ux—wa

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