Chapter 18: New Member?

Chapter 18: New Member?

Terry laid down on the bed. Earlier, after Daniel left, he was asked by Miu to wait in one of the rooms alone while waiting for Kai to come home. Terry closed his eyes using his arms, blocking the light from entering his retinas.

His mind was now filled with many things. Starting from his wife, who left with Matthias, the state of his family, his brother's arrival, Daniel knowing his secret, and Kai not explaining anything to him. Everything was mixed together, making him feel dizzy.

Terry almost fell asleep because he was too tired to think about everything. However, that didn't happen because he woke up to the sound of the door being opened from outside. The man opened his eyes again and turned to the door.

"Sorry, did I disturb your rest?"

"Not at all," Terry got up from his position, looking the man up and down carefully.

The man was wearing a black shirt and white coat with a stethoscope hanging from his neck. In his hand, he carried a medium-sized box of what Terry assumed were medicines. Who was he?

"I'm Archer, the Grayon family's personal physician." The cropped-haired man introduced himself with a friendly smile, as if he could read what Terry was thinking.

Terry gave a small nod in reply. "I'm Terry,"

"You said you were injured, right? That's why I was called here to treat you."

"I'm fine, so there's no need to get a doctor's help." Terry refused softly.

"Sorry, but Miu said you sprained your leg, right?"

Terry did not reply to the question. His lips were pressed tightly together. He turned his gaze elsewhere, reluctant to meet Archer's gaze.

"I'm just here to treat your leg. After that, I'll be out. Sorry if that bothers you."

"Of course not!" Terry hurriedly turned around quickly. His voice sounded apologized. "I just feel that I don't deserve your help."

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't have the money to pay for your services," Terry said, embarrassed.

Archer held back his smile. He had to cover his mouth with his hand, pretending to cough so that Terry wouldn't take offense.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about that." Archer smiled broadly, then stepped closer to Terry, who was sitting on the bed. "The treatment is free. Kai will pay for my services."

"Ukh, I'm even less able to accept help from you if Kai is paying for your services," Terry shifted his body, moving uncomfortably in his seat.

"I just met him, and I've already inconvenienced him so far. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay him later."

Archer sighed. He crouched down and grabbed Terry's leg quickly. Terry, who was caught off guard, had no time to pull his leg, as Archer's grip was quite strong.

"Don't think that way. It's just a small favor after all. No need to return the favor."


"That's enough. Stop this conversation," Archer was getting annoyed. He gave Terry a sharp look, making the man lower his head. "Can you explain how you sprained your leg?"

"I fell,"

"I know you fell," Archer tried to remain patient with Terry's attitude. "I mean, how did you fall? Did you hit your foot on something?"

Terry looked hesitant for a few moments. But he quickly nodded. "That's right. My foot hit a rock."


Archer muttered softly. His hand felt Terry's leg, which was wrapped in his shabby pants. As he pressed the swollen area, Terry let out a rather loud cry. Which made Archer tiptoe in surprise from his position.

"Ah, sorry, did I hurt you?"

Terry hissed. "Shh, yes. The part you pressed really hurts."

"O-okay. I understand." Archer said awkwardly, then massaged Terry's feet with the gentlest possible movements. Although the movements were already very slow, Terry still winced.

"Aw, slow down. You'll break my leg."

"I'm sorry, I'm doing this to get you well soon. Hold the pain a little."

Archer kept massaging the swollen leg regardless of Terry's screams, which sounded louder and louder. Even though Terry was a grown man, being massaged while in pain could still make him scream.

After three minutes, Archer stopped the massage. His hand now turned to the medicine box he carried. He opened it and took out a faded blue ointment and applied it to Terry's foot. After that, Archer wrapped Terry's leg using a bandage.

"Your leg will heal soon. You must not move it too much during this week."

Terry rounded his eyes. He should not move it much for a week? Then what about his job?

"Wait. If I don't move for a week, then what about—"

"You don't need to worry about work. Think about your health first," a blond man with amber eyes interrupted.


"Hello, Terry. Sorry for leaving you here for so long," Kai flashed a faint smile.

"Your leg has been treated, right?" Kai continued his sentence, asking how Terry was doing while he was away.

"Yeah, I got it fixed." It wasn't Terry who answered the question, but Archer. "You know, he screamed like a girl when I massaged his leg."

"Hey!" Terry glared in disapproval. "I screamed because the part you massaged hurt so much."

"I'm massaging it so that you'll get better soon, Terry," Archer said, not to be outdone. "If you leave it like that, the recovery will be very slow."

"But -"

"Hey, stop arguing, you two," Kai spoke up again, stopping the ridiculous argument between the two. Terry and Archer turned their faces the other way.

"Hah, . You two just met and already arguing. What if you guys become teammates?"

"Wait, teammates?" Archer turned to Kai with a furrowed brow. His thick eyebrows were seen dipping sharply downwards. "I'm teammates with him?"

"Yes," Kai answered quickly in reply to Archer's question. "You'll be teammates with him. Did Miu not tell you anything?"

"What?!" Archer said in an incredulous voice.

As for Terry. He looked confused by what Kai said. “Wait, a team with him? What are you talking about, Kai?"

"Miu didn't tell you, Terry?"

Terry shook his head. "No, she didn't. After you left, Miu came and handed me the light blue envelope, followed by the arrival of Mr. Daniel." Terry paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"After Mr. Daniel left, Miu told me to rest here without saying anything."

"Oh, shit," Kai ruffled his well-organized hair with a rough motion. His expression looked frustrated. "That brat-,"

"Forget your swearing at Miu, Kai." Archer got up from his position and sat next to Terry. He felt tingling from crouching for too long. "So tell me, what did you mean by that?"

Kai sighed, then took out something from his coat pocket. It was a light blue envelope, just like the one he saw earlier.

"Listen, Terry. I'll be brief with you. He is Archer, an agent in the health field as well as an analyst in the Black Eagle organization."

"Okay, I got it." Terry nodded briefly.

"Well, earlier, I got a message from X, if the three of us are going on a mission together, before Terry will work with me."

"What was that message?"

"According to the envelope I'm holding, we will complete the mission with code F3."

"Code F3? What is that?" Archer and Terry asked simultaneously.

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