Chapter 17: Be careful

Chapter 17: Be careful

"That person? Don't tell me if he's..."

Frank put his index finger in front of Steve's lips, asking the man to stop talking. The tail of his eye glanced to the south, which led to a slightly open door.

Steve followed the direction of the glance, then gave a small nod. He closed his mouth, swallowing back the words that were already on the tip of his tongue.

Looking at Steve, who understood the code he gave, Frank lowered his index finger. A faint smile was etched on his lips. His hand stretched out to take a bottle of water that was available on the table.

Now, Frank's attention was on the open door. He had to see who dared to interrupt his conversation.

"Irene?" he called in a firm voice. "Is that you?"

The woman gasped in surprise. She came out of her hiding place. Her body that had been hiding behind the door was now visible.

"Yes, sir. It's me."

"What are you doing behind the door?" Frank asked in a confused tone. "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"I do, sir,"

"Then why don't you knock on the door and come inside instead of snooping around like a stalker, huh?" The question sounded demanding.

"I...wanted to make sure first whether you were still busy with Mr. Steve or not,"

Irene said lowly. Her voice sounded nervous. Her body moved uncomfortably. Her eyes were turned the other way, reluctant to meet the boss's gaze.

"You know that's impolite, right?"

"I know. I'm sorry, sir."

"I forgive you." Frank paused for a moment, which made Irene smile.

"But I'm going to give you a warning letter for your unprofessional behavior, Irene," Frank continued, making Irene flinch. Her body stood still for a few moments.

"But sir—"

"I don't like to be debunked." Frank interrupted the assistant with a stern tone. His face showed no meaningful expression. "You'd better come in and tell me your intentions."

Irene clenched her hands into fists. The change in her expression was quite noticeable. Her beautiful smile turned into obvious annoyance. The look in her eyes said it all.

To cover it up, Irene gave a fake smile. She walked over to Frank, who was sitting on the sofa. In her hand was a black folder.

"Sir, you have to sign a cooperation document with the Rosemary group. They asked for this earlier." Irene said, handing the folder to Frank.

"Oh, okay," Frank took out the pen that was in his shirt pocket, then signed the document. After finishing, he returned the folder to Irene.

"Continue your work."

"Okay. I'll leave first, sir."

Irene stepped out of the room, leaving Frank and Steve silent.

Once Irene's back was out of sight, Steve turned to Frank with a confused look on his face.

"Sir, why did you tell me to shut up?"

Frank turned to Steve. He adjusted his suit0, which looked untidy. "Because the things you're talking about are too dangerous to discuss here."


"Yes. I don't want [that person's] situation to become public. If that happens, then we will be in great danger."

"What do you mean?"

"That person is the key to all the events of the past, Steve. She is the main [heart] of every event that happened between me and Daniel."

"Then why are you so worry to Irene?" Steve asked again. "Isn't she your assistant?"

"Even though she's my assistant, I can't trust her with this."


"Because I don't know which side she's on," Frank leaned back against the sofa with his eyes closed. His face looked so tired that his eye bags were clearly visible. "Her demeanor is too suspicious, as if she's a double agent."

"I agree to that," Steve agreed with Frank. "But if she's working for someone other than you, who do you think she'll turn into an ally? Because if Irene is working for Daniel, I don't think that's possible."

"Why would you think that?" Frank asked.

"Because Irene hates Daniel."

"You think so?" Frank asked in a low voice, causing a strange sensation that made the ears tingle.

"I think you're walking into their trap if you think that, Steve. Because everything that appears on the surface, is not necessarily the truth."




"How do you know what my family's problems are?"

Daniel smiled slightly. He took the juice that was on the table, sipping it until half was left. After that, his hand shook the glass, making the contents swirl with his movement.

"Are you curious?"

"Of course!" Terry nodded quickly. His forehead was deeply furrowed with an expression of wonder behind his seemingly straight gaze.

"Because it's a secret that I keep as close as possible. So, no one knows about it."

Daniel put the juice in his hand back on the table, then glanced at the blue envelope in Terry's hand.

"Let's just say I hired someone to find out about you."

"You're stalking me?"

Daniel didn't answer. He chose to take out the vibrating cell phone in his pocket, then focused on the flat object. Ignoring Terry, who was waiting for an explanation. This seemed to make it clear that Daniel's words were "yes.".


"Oh, sorry," Daniel turned his head towards Terry. His hand was still typing something there.

"There's something urgent that my men have brought up that has divided my attention."

"Alright. I know you're a busy man. But my question is- "

"The point is, will you accept my offer or not?" Daniel cut Terry off quickly, not allowing the man to finish his sentence.

"I don't like waiting or wooing. So, decide now, Terry." Daniel said.

"But you haven't answered my question, sir!"

"I'll answer it later, when you've accepted my offer."

Terry raised his eyebrows. "Why is that?"

"You said you were curious, didn't you? I can't possibly give you the answer when I have nothing to gain from you."

Terry was silent for a few moments. He let out a long breath. "Okay. I'll accept your offer."

A wide smile rose on Daniel's lips, forming a beautiful crescent moon. His eyes even narrowed because of his overly wide smile.

"A wise choice, Terry," Daniel handed Terry a blank folder and pen.

"What's this?"

"Sign this. You haven't forgotten the agreement Miu explained to you?"

Terry took a deep breath, then quickly grabbed the two objects. After that, Terry put his signature there.

"So, can you explain why you know the situation between me and my family?"

"Ask Kai." Daniel put the blank paper in the green folder under the table. "Because he's the one who found out about you."

"What? Kai? But he said- "

"I have to go. I have things to finish." Daniel interrupted quickly. He stood up from his chair. Then I stepped out of the grand and aesthetic room.

"I'll see you later, Terry."

As soon as Daniel's back disappeared, Terry ruffled his hair, frustrated with what had just happened. "God, what the hell is going on? Why does everything feel confusing?”

On the other hand, Daniel called someone. He put his cell phone in his ear. "There's a change of plan, X. Use Formula F3 to give Terry an explanation. "

"Yes, sir."

The call closed. Leaving Daniel smiling as he walked. "Target is already on the ropes. Time to execute plan two."

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