Chapter 016: Report

Chapter 016: Report

"Where's Terry?"

"What do you mean?"

Kai turned his head towards the back. His eyes watched the heterochrome-eyed man up and down, scanning him carefully. His forehead was deeply furrowed with a noticeable lip line dropping.

"No need to pretend you don't know, Kai."

"But I really don't know what you're talking about, Ben."

"I know that you brought Terry," Ben said again with his hands clenched on either side of his body.

Kai shook his head with a rough sigh. "Ben, you don't seem to have changed."

"What do you mean?"

"You always accuse me without proof. I mean, which Terry are you talking about? Do you know that I just got back from Germany?" Kai asked frantically.

Ben was silent for a few moments. His fists seemed to loosen, and his demeanor softened slightly.

"I mean, Terry's the youngest of the Walter family," Ben spoke again in a slightly higher voice. "I know you brought that guy, right? So where is he now?"

"Ben, I don't know who you're looking for." Kai deposited the file he was carrying into the empty chair beside him.

"You misunderstand me if you think I brought the person you're looking for."

"But... I saw Terry leaving with someone in a Bentley."

"Am I the only one who owns that car in this country? What is the license plate number of that car for you to accuse me?"

Kai's firm yet precise words managed to silence Ben's mouth, who had been talking non-stop.

Kai took a deep breath, then quickly stood up after picking up the file he had kept on the chair. "Sorry, I have to go first. I have some business to attend to."

Kai patted Ben's back twice, then left to continue his journey that had stopped.

Ben, meanwhile, watched Kai's back as he got further away from him. His hands were again clenched so tightly that his nails cut his palms.

"You're lying, Kai. I'll expose your rotten mask!"




Steve flipped through the paper in his hand with a feeling of boredom and annoyance. Right now, he was at the doorstep of the leader of Walter Corp.

Frustrated, Steve ruffled his hair in frustration. Inwardly, he kept cursing at Ben for leaving him alone. Now, he had to report to the head of the Walter family about Terry's progress.

"You are a jerk, Ben!" Steve muttered under his breath.

"If you keep swearing like that, your mouth will rotten, Steve."

Steve turned to the woman, who was currently still focused on the computer in front of him.

"You don't comment, Irene," Steve said irritably. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know about it. But your swearing is not pleasant to hear, Steve."

Irene said in a casual voice. She shifted her eyes from the laptop in front of her to Steve, who was currently crossing his arms over his chest while leaning against the wall.

"You know. Swearing is not good. My grandfather said your mouth will rot if you keep swearing."

Steve smiled sarcastically, then rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself, Miss," he replied curtly.


The Walter Corp. leader's door opened slightly. Steve straightened and lowered his hand, while Irene refocused on her work.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ben—uh, where's Ben?"

"He's away, Mr. Frank." Steve said simply. "There's something he needs to take care of first. That's why he's not here at the moment."

"I see. Then you can go straight into my office."

Steve complied. He followed Frank from behind, leaving Irene, who was looking at him curiously.

Steve also closed the door so that no one could hear or see the conversation between the two.

"Sit down."

Frank invited Steve to sit on the sofa in the corner of the room. Again, Steve complied without asking many questions. He sat on the chair directly opposite Frank.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Asked Frank, who got straight to the point. Steve was a little surprised by the middle-aged man's attitude but made no comment.

"I just wanted to report on Ben's stakeout last night, sir," Steve said politely, then opened a folder that he held in his hand.

"Terry has been fired from his old job because of Matthias."

Steve paused his words for a moment. He raised his head slightly to see what Frank's reaction would be.

As he expected, Frank frowned, looking unhappy with the news he brought.


"Terry's wife, Meghan Trainor also left with Matthias. She wants to divorce Terry because he can't make provide Meghan."

"Wait a minute," Frank stopped Steve in his tracks. "You're saying my son can't provide for Meghan? As I recall, Terry's salary was quite high during the time he worked at Jay's place."

"You spied on him?"

Frank nodded firmly. "Of course I did. Even though Terry left the house and even deleted Walter's name, I still kept an eye on him."

"Wow, I didn't expect you to do that." Steve turned over the paper in his hand. "I thought you would just let go."

"Just continue with your report."

Steve rubbed the back of his head as he saw Frank look offended by his words. He cleared his throat briefly to break the awkwardness between them.

"Well, I apologize for what I said earlier."


Frank muttered incoherently as he tapped his index finger on the table, which made a rhythmic sound in the quiet room.

"So, what needs did Terry not fulfill for Meghan?"

Steve sighed. "Luxury goods. Terry couldn't afford jewelry or expensive clothes for Meghan. That's why she went with Matthias."

Frank tugged at the corner of his lips, forming a strange, dismissive smile. "Huh, what a bitch." His comment was scathing.

"Even though Terry sacrificed everything to marry her. But she says she's not satisfied with what Terry gave her. What an unlucky woman," Frank continued.

"Another report is that Terry suffered a leg injury after being pushed by Matthias last night. And right now, Terry is looking for a job."

"So? Where is Terry looking for his new job?"

"That...neither of us know." Steve felt his voice catch in his throat. "When we both came to his apartment, he was already gone."

"Hm, that's strange. Did he take the bus to look for a job?"

Steve shook his head. "I don't think so. When we arrived, there was a Bentley leaving from the apartment where Terry lived."

"A Bentley?" Who is it?"

"I don't know. That's why Ben went to confirm it."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief when the words were out of his mouth. He had been at a loss for words when it came to reporting on the progress of his assignment.

There was silence between the two of them. Steve and Frank were stuck in their own thoughts. Unable to stand it, Steve opened his mouth.

"Sir, but why are you using Ben as your pawn? I mean, didn't Terry leave because of a misunderstanding with you?"

"That's true. And the answer to that truth lies with [that person]. That's why I used Ben as my pawn."

"That person? Don't tell me if...."

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