Chapter 015: The (Dangerous) Offer

Chapter 015: The (Dangerous) Offer

Kai got out of the Bentley with a few files in his hand. His lips curled upwards with a friendly aura.

When someone greeted him, he would answer in a friendly manner. Kai hoped that he would find what he needed in this place.

His feet stepped towards the towering building in front of him, the Van Derrick Corp.

He had business with its leader due to orders from Daniel.

While at the crossroads, Kai felt his cell phone vibrate, indicating an incoming call. Out of curiosity, Kai reached into his pocket to see who was calling him.

On his cell phone screen, the name [kitten Miu] was written. Kai was naturally confused. Why would that person call him while he was on duty?

Out of sheer curiosity, Kai scrolled his finger on his phone screen to pick up the call. "Hello?"


Kai pulled the phone he was holding away from his ear when he heard Miu's shrill voice. He rubbed his ears as he grumbled softly.

"Gosh, what's wrong with you?" Kai asked in an impatient tone. "Can you not scream hysterically like that when you call me? Do you want to hurt my ears?"


"Huh, okay, I'm sorry. But change that habit of yours, Miu! Your screaming is just like the bats in the cave," Kai said irritably.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." Miu quickly agreed to her coworker's request. "There's an emergency here. I can't handle it."

Kai furrowed his brow at that. He walked to the side so as not to block the road. "Problem? What problem?"

"Mr. Daniel has met the guest you brought."

"Oh, isn't that great?" Kai asked back in a surprised tone. "That's what I brought Terry to our base for, Miu."

"Don't interrupt me, Kai. I'm not done talking yet," Miu said, annoyed.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Kai let out a long sigh, then sat on a nearby chair. "Continue what you're saying. I won't interrupt you again. I promise."

Silence now engulfed both of them. Miu did not continue what she had just said. Kai was naturally surprised, so he checked whether the call was still connected or not.


"Mr. Daniel gave Terry a crazy position."

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Daniel offered Terry the position of personal assistant, just like you."


"That's right. That's why I asked you to complete your mission there. You know how dangerous it is if Terry is around, right?"

"Huh, I see. Thanks for the information, Miu."

After the call was disconnected, Kai massaged his throbbing head.

"This is different with my plan," Kai muttered lowly. He let out a long breath and closed his eyes.

"My plans will fall apart if Terry is beside me. What is that old man really thinking?"

While Kai was too engrossed in his own thoughts, someone tapped his shoulder quite strongly. Kai opened his eyes.


"Where's Terry?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"




Terry paused at the offer. His eyes rounded, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. His tongue felt paralyzed to speak, as if something was holding him back.

Daniel chuckled once again. Seeing Terry's reaction like now somehow amused him.

"Terry?" Daniel patted Terry's hand lightly.

Terry gasped in surprise. He blinked his eyes a few times, then looked at Daniel like an idiot. "Yes?"

"Are you willing to accept my offer?"

Terry rolled his eyes in the other direction, reluctant to meet Daniel, who was currently waiting for an answer from him. "That's..."

"I know that this is too sudden for you," Daniel interrupted Terry's words while supporting his face with one hand.

"But opportunities don't come twice, Terry. The opportunity I'm offering you is very rare. So you'll lose a lot if you reject my offer."

"I know. But on the other hand, I'm confused as to why you hired me to be your assistant," Terry drummed his fingers under the table nervously.

"I don't have any qualifications to be your assistant. I mean, I have no experience working in an office. So you will definitely-"

"Oh Terry. You underestimate yourself too much," Daniel shook his head softly. His voice sounded firm and soft at the same time.

"Kai has proven that you deserve to be by my side. He gave me your data."

Terry was again surprised to hear that narration. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'll get to that later. Anyway, you're more than capable of doing it. You just don't trust yourself because you've been doing hard labor for too long, Terry."

"That's true. But-"

"You have the ability. And I'm sure your potential is much greater than you think," Daniel said persuasively. A faint smile never faded from his lips.

"Ah, I-"

Terry couldn't continue with his words. There was something that made him hesitate to accept the offer. His gut feeling told him something was wrong. But he didn't know what it was.

Seeing the hesitation in his expression, Daniel sighed. "What are you afraid of?"

Unconsciously, Terry turned his head until their eyes met. "What do you mean?"

"I know if something is bothering you." Daniel said as he called the waiters to make some juice.

"You seem hesitant about my offer. So, can you tell me what's going through your head?" Daniel said, tapping the table in a similar tone.

"Actually, I..."

"Ah, because I'm a rival of your family, that's why you're hesitant to work for me." Daniel guessed with a faint smile. "And you're afraid of your family hating you, is that it?"

Terry didn't react. All of Daniel's words were right on target; how did he know? Was he reading his mind?

"I know because the expression on your face says so."

Daniel said again in a casual voice. He took the tray from the waiter's hand and placed it on the table.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to refuse. But you know yourself if—"

"Sttt, don't go on," Daniel interrupted Terry. "I know that I'm your family's rival. But I'm not that bad."

"Sir, you seem to have understood. I didn't think that far ahead and assume that you were a bad person."

"Really?" Daniel smiled sarcastically. "But I see it that way. You see me as an enemy, when in fact I'm trying to help you."

"I was just thinking about what would happen in the future."

Daniel laughed loudly. The juice he was holding even shook and splashed on the floor.

"Sir, why are you laughing?"

"Oh, it's a very funny joke." Daniel set the glass down on the table and wiped the juice that splashed onto his hand.

"A joke?"

"Ah, forgive what I just said," Daniel cleared his throat to restore his dignity. "I just found your words quite funny. What are you worried about?"


"I know that you're either out of Walter's home or you're in a cold war with them. Am I right?"

"How do you know that?!"

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