Chapter 014: Daniel

Chapter 014: Daniel


Terry looked back, followed by Miu, who seemed familiar with the voice. Terry saw an adult man walking towards him.

The man was dressed in formal attire, with a white shirt covered by a dark blue suit, as well as wearing a matching colored tie, with a watch from a well-known brand coiled on his left hand. Don't forget the glasses perched on his nose. Terry could estimate that the man was over 60 years old.

The man walked over and was now standing in front of both Terry and Miu.

"Miu, who authorized you to offer such a lowly job to my guest?"

The man crossed his arms in front of his chest, with a sharp gaze fixed on the platinum-haired girl.

Miu gulped. Her amber eyes rolled in the other direction, reluctant to meet his gaze. Her body trembled violently, as did her voice. "That..."

The atmosphere that had been friendly and warm turned awkward and tense. The air felt cold and piercing, like being trapped in an ice cave.

Terry, who was trapped between the two people, could not say anything. Aside from not knowing where the problem lay, Terry also didn't want to be dragged into unnecessary drama.

"Miu, I'm still waiting for your answer," the man said again with a much more demanding voice than before. His well-built and muscular body seemed to intimidate Miu, who was currently bowing her head.

Seeing that something was wrong made Terry choose to speak up, breaking the suffocating silence between the three of them.

"Forgive me for asking presumptuously, sir. But who are you?" Asked Terry, focusing himself on the man. "Why are you pressuring Miu like that?"

Miu raised her head with bulging eyes. The look on her face turned nervous and scared at the same time. While the man maintained a wide smile.

"You don't know who I am?" He asked in a low and hoarse voice.

Terry shook his head quickly. "No, I don't. I don't know who you are."

The man walked over and sat next to Miu. He still kept his hands folded in front of his chest. His gaze was so straight, but his lips still wore a wide smile.

"I am the leader of the Black Eagle Group as well as the owner of Grayon Group," the man paused for a moment to see Terry's reaction. As he expected, Terry looked confused.

"My name is Daniel Grayon. I am the boss of Miu and Kai," Daniel introduced himself briefly.

Terry rounded his eyes as he remembered something. Grayon, isn't that the name of his family's rival?

His body was now rooted to the spot, as if he had been struck by lightning. His face paled with cold sweat flowing from his hair-covered forehead. His heart was beating very fast, as if it were about to burst out of its place. Unconsciously, his breathing also became rapid.

Daniel noticed it all. Including the change in Terry's expression and body style. He put his index finger on his lips with a wide grin.

"What's wrong with you?" Daniel asked to start a conversation between them. "You seem to be surprised by my words."

Terry didn't answer. His eyes were still glued to Daniel. "You..."


"You are Mr. Grayon?" Terry forced out the sound that had been held on the tip of his tongue. The man's body straightened forward, hoping anxiously that the thoughts he had were not reality.

"Yes, that's right," Daniel smiled, seeing Terry's reaction petrified in place.

Terry felt like he had walked into a trap. The person who had always been his family's rival was now in front of him. Terry felt like his mind was suddenly blank. Gosh, what should he do?

"You seem surprised by my identity, Terry," Daniel said in a flat voice. But if you listened more carefully, there was a faint tone of disappointment.

"Yes, of course I'm surprised." Terry raised his hand and stroked it with a gentle motion. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either," Daniel crossed his legs. Not forgetting to spread a dominant and serious aura.

"To see you again after so many years,"

Terry gasped in surprise. He not knew exactly what Daniel was saying. "I don't understand what you mean."

"You'll find out later," Daniel picked up the paper on the table, which was the agreement between Miu and Terry.

"But, how do you know my name? I didn't introduce myself to you," Terry asked as he felt the awkwardness.

"From Kai," he replied briefly.

Daniel read the written sentence carefully, then took the pen on the table and crossed out most of it.

"Anyway, aren't you the son of Frank Walter?" Daniel asked conversationally.

"Yes, that's right."

"Then why are you looking for a job?" Daniel asked casually. "Didn't Frank prepare a position for each of his children?"

Terry gave a small growl. His soft eyes became a little sharp. He lowered his head and clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white.

Daniel saw that. But as if not satisfied, he pushed Terry again, testing the extent of his patience.


"That's...because I want to be independent without my father," Terry raised his face again. He flashed a fake smile that looked natural. However, Daniel was certainly not easily fooled.

"Oh really? Well, that's great," Daniel said enthusiastically just to cover his intentions. "It's rare that someone wants to start from the bottom when they have everything."


Daniel's amber eyes scanned Terry's appearance from top to bottom without exception. "But why do you look... I'm sorry for speaking harshly like this."

Daniel hung up his sentence, putting on an uncomfortable face. He pushed the tip of his glasses that had sagged using his index finger."Why do you look so shabby like this? Isn't the Walter family one of the richest in America?"

That question was like a bomb to Terry. His fist grew stronger, until the nail cut his palm. He was at a loss as to what to answer.

Seeing Terry's silence made the grin on Daniel's lips even wider. He glanced at Miu from the corner of his eye, telling her to leave with an eye gesture.

Miu understood the code. She got up from her seat, leaving the two men of different generations there.

Daniel approached Terry, then tapped the man's shoulder. "Do you have any problems with your family, especially Frank?"

Terry didn't answer the question. His mouth was locked tightly.

Daniel smiled slightly. He sighed and rubbed the man's back with a gentle motion, which made Terry gasp in surprise.


"Well, I won't ask again because it's your privacy," Daniel said in a sympathetic voice. "Forgive what I just said."

Terry hurriedly shook his head. "Oh, of course not, sir. I think your question is quite reasonable to ask. Forgive me for not being able to answer it."

Daniel smiled slightly, then thrust the paper he was holding at Terry. "If you want to find a job, I'll give you one. Incidentally, there is a position vacant for you."

"What job is it?"

"Will you be my assistant, Terry?"

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