Chapter 013: Information

Chapter 013: Information

Currently, Ben was at the centre of Walter Group. He and Steve were going to give Frank a report on his progress in persuading Terry to come home.

Ben walked alone because Steve went to the bathroom first and bought a drink. His steps were so wide as if he were chasing time.


Ben stopped his steps. He turned his head towards the source of the voice. His hands wiped the sweat from his temples. He was breathing hard with a flushed face.

"Yes, what is it, Mr. Ethan?" He asked politely with a faint smile, ignoring his fatigue.

"Where's Terry?" Ethan asked straight to the point. "Why is he not with you?"

Ben's smile faded, giving way to a look of regret. "I failed to get him."

Ethan was surprised to hear that. But he didn't react much. His face looked flat, as did the line of his lips. His sharp gaze intensified on the floor at Ben's words.

"Sir?" Ben called out hesitantly. His heart beat so hard that cold sweat broke out from the pores of his skin, soaking through the t-shirt he was wearing. Of all the Walter family members, only Ethan was the most difficult to guess his personality.


"Are you disappointed that I failed to bring Mr. Terry?"

Ethan closed his eyes, seemingly thinking. His hands were clenched tightly enough to hide the emotions he was actually feeling. A rough sigh escaped his mouth.

"No, no. Just get on with your work," Ethan said simply. He glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist, then chuckled.

"I'm going to go. I have some business to attend to."

Ethan turned around, then walked in the opposite direction to Ben without saying anything else. Ben was silent as he stared at Ethan's retreat.

"Oh my. This mission is much more complicated than I thought," Ben squatted down, then ruffled his hair. His face looked frustrated.

Steve, who was behind his body, pressed a can of cold coffee against Ben's cheek. This surprised Ben so much that he looked back.

"You better drink this coffee first," Steve said in a caring tone. "If your face is this messed up, then your work will be too."

Ben grunted in annoyance at the suggestion. He picked up the can of coffee that was on his cheek, then opened the lid.

"This is really beyond me." Ben took a small sip of his coffee. His body felt a little calm as the caffeine drink went down his throat. "I don't think my hunch was right. They're starting to move, too."

"Well, sometimes there are some unexpected things," Steve commented skeptically. "We'll have to improvise if we want to stay one step ahead of them."

Ben turned his head. His brow furrowed deeply. "Improvise? What do you mean?"

"Since the situation has changed, we'll have to reprioritize our plan," Steve tossed the empty can in his hand into the trash. "Now, plan B is no longer valid. Use plan C."

"Are you sure?"

Steve nodded his head. "Yes. We had to use that plan because Terry was in their hands."

"So, what about my plan to Matthias?"

Steve rolled his eyes and exhaled roughly. "That can be done later. For now, our priority is plan C."

"You have everything ready for that plan?" Ben asked skeptically. "Who's the bait anyway? Isn't Meghan already on the side of that asshole, Matthias?"

"Just use Ethan. I'm sure Terry would come back if he knew Ethan was in danger."





"Black Eagle Group?"

Terry frowned. He did not take the envelope. His brown eyes were now focused on Miu, who was currently waiting for an answer from him. "What group is that again? Isn't my goal here to get a job?"

This time, it was Miu's turn to be confused. She kept the envelope on the table. "Wait, Kai didn't tell you anything about the Black Eagle group?"

Terry shook his head. "No, he didn't. He didn't explain anything because I was forbidden to ask him."

"Fuck!" Miu cursed in annoyance.

"What's really going on? What is Black Eagle? Is it some kind of company or organization?"

Miu let out a rough breath. She seemed hesitant to say the answer. Her eyes rolled in another direction, trying to think of an explanation to Terry without unmasking the group.


"Please answer my question, Miu. I need certainty to get a replacement job. If you can't explain, I'll just leave."

Terry was already preparing to leave, which surprised Miu.

"Okay, I'll explain," she said in a panicked tone. Miu took a deep breath. She hoped that her current decision was not wrong.

"Black Eagle is an organization engaged in finance. In a way, it's the central company that Kai and I work for."

Terry understood hearing that explanation. "Oh, in finance. Then why did you want me to receive the letter?"

"Just as a symbol that you won't betray those of us who work in the group," Miu gave a faint smile.

"Because most people will do bad things after getting what they want. In a way, this envelope is a guarantee that you won't do anything out of line to this group," Miu continued.

"Okay. I agree to join the group. As long as I have a steady job for now," Terry agreed to Miu's request, which made the girl's smile even wider. She felt happy that Terry believed in her.

"Then, take this envelope." Miu handed the blue envelope a second time. This time, Terry accepted it.

"Then, what should I do with this?" He said, pointing at the envelope in his hand.

"Sign the back of the envelope. After that, give it to me again." Miu took the pen that was in her pocket and handed it to Terry.

Terry did as he was told. He signed the envelope without suspicion. Once done, Miu took the envelope back and put it in her pants pocket.

"Okay, since you have entered and become part of the Black Eagle group, then you will receive a pin from Kai later."

Miu got up from her seat. She had to go report this to the big boss. However, that could not happen because Terry was holding her wrist.

"What's wrong?"

"Miu, you seem to have forgotten something."

Miu tilted her head with her eyes blinking for a few times. "Yes?"

Terry rubbed his face roughly with his other hand. "Do I have to say it clearly for you to understand?"

"Please just tell me what you need. Because I can't read your mind," Miu said again.

"You haven't said what kind of job I'm getting in the Black Eagle group."

Miu rounded her eyes as she realized her mistake. A faint blush was printed on her cheeks. "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot about that."

Terry released Miu's wrist and nodded his head. "Okay. I'm forgive you."

Miu sat back in her chair. Then she took out another sheet of paper that was under the table.

"To be honest, the group is short of workers in the field. Can you work in that department?"

"Field department?" Terry asked. "You mean like a sales clerk?"

"Yes, something like that," Miu confirmed Terry's words. "Can you do it?"


"Alright. You'll be working in that department starting tomorrow. Then all you have to prepare is—"

"Wait, who authorized you to give my guest such a lowly job, Miu?"


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