Chapter 012: A Strange Place

Chapter 012: A Strange Place

"Kai, are you sure the place its safe?" Terry asked. He cast his eyes around.

The courtyard of the building looked messy, with trash and leaves scattered about. Tendrils were thriving on the walls, dangling on each side of the walls. The paint on the walls was dull and peeling, and the weeds were about knee-high.

Kai stopped typing on his cell phone. He lifted his head, looking at Terry with an confused look.

"What do you mean?"

Kai furrowed his brow until his eyebrows came together. The smile on his lips, which looked wide, faded slowly.

Terry scratched the nape of his neck, which was not itchy. He shifted his brown eyes in another direction, not staring at Kai, who was currently waiting for an answer from him.

"That..." The words on the tip of Terry's tongue seemed to be swallowed up. His brain felt empty. Inwardly, he cursed himself. Gosh, what did he just say?

"Terry?" Kai called out in a low voice. "Why didn't you continue what you were saying?"

"Ah, I mean..."

"You're saying that this old building didn't convince you to get a job, is that it?"

Terry jerked on the spot. His eyes now rose, and he accidentally met Kai, who had a flat face. How could that man know what he was thinking?

"It's written all over your face. You look hesitant to go in there," Kai said again. He put his phone into his pants pocket, then looked at Terry with his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Do I look like someone who would deceive you, Terry?" Kai's tone was now more demanding than before.

Terry was stunned. He rounded his eyes as he heard the accusation. "It's not like that, Kai. You misunderstood,"

"Then explain. Why are you asking why this place is safe or not?"

Terry bit his inner lip quite firmly. He clenched his hands into fists until his knuckles looked white. His body trembled slightly. His tongue felt numb, hardly cooperating to get a word out of his mouth.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Kai stepped closer to Terry, who was two meters away from him. Once in front of him, Kai flashed a faint smile.

Kai brought his face close to Terry's ear, then whispered in his husky voice. "Don't worry. I won't deceive you."

"How can I be sure of that? Didn't you deceive me in the beginning?" Asked Terry, forcing himself to let out the sound that was stuck in his throat.

Kai smiled even wider. Which sent chills down Terry's body. He could feel the darkness emanating from his "best friend's" body.

"Like I said, a man can be trusted by his word. And I'm going to prove it to you." Kai paused for a moment, then put his hand on Terry's shoulder to help the man walk.

"And never judge things by the outside. Because sometimes the cover can deceive you."

Terry gave a small nod, agreeing with Kai's words. It was true; sometimes outward appearances were deceiving. He went back to walking with slow steps. A small whimper came out of his mouth.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Kai offered, seemingly unwilling to see Terry in pain while walking.

"No, thanks for your offer," Terry replied with a small smile. "I can still walk on my own,"

"But I heard you wincing in pain."

"This I can bear," Terry replied back. "Come on, let's get into that building."

Kai no longer argued. He led Terry to the door of the old building. Once there, Kai removed his hand from Terry's shoulder and knocked on the worn-looking wooden door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who is it?"

"It's me,"

"Tell me the password,"

"Shoot two birds with one stone; make them fall simultaneously."

"Okay, the password is correct. One moment."

There was a creak of the door opening, revealing a platinum-haired girl with round, bright amber-colored eyes, just like Kai's.

"Oh, it's you, Kai. I thought Zee was coming."

"My voice and Zee's are different, Miu," Kai replied in a lazy voice.

"They sound the same to my ears," the girl named Miu replied in an indifferent voice. Her round eyes now turned to Terry, who was currently bowing his head.

"Who is he?" Miu pointed at Terry.

"He's an important guest for Mr. Daniel," Kai said with a meaningful smile.

"You accompany him for the next few minutes. I have some business to attend to."


Terry rounded his eyes at Kai's words. The man wanted to leave without giving any explanation.

Kai turned his body to go and finish his business. Only, it couldn't happen because Terry held his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"Going somewhere. I have some business to take care of."

Terry tightened his grip on Kai's arm even more. "And leave me here alone?"

Kai let out a long breath. He released Terry's hand, which was on his arm. "Yes. But I'll be here as soon as my business is done. Besides, you won't be alone."

Kai turned his eyes to Miu, who was currently staring at the two with cute blinking eyes. "You will be accompanied by Miu to perform the welcoming event."

"But -"

"Don't worry. She won't kill you, okay? Calm down,"

Terry let out a rough breath. He nodded his head. "Okay,"

"I'll go first."

After saying that, Kai left, leaving Terry alone with the strange girl.

"Mister, let's go inside." Miu invited. Terry nodded his head.

Terry stepped slowly so that the pain in his leg would be less. Once inside, he was amazed to see that the interior of the room was so luxurious and classy, very different from the dull and scary-looking outside.

"Woah," he muttered involuntarily.

His brown eyes scrutinized every corner of the building. The gold-colored walls have antique, expensive statues and urns in the corner, a set of luxurious black sofas in the center of the room, and a large black cabinet by the window. Everything in here looked expensive and classy.

"You must be surprised at the difference, right?"

Terry turned his head toward Miu. "Yes, here and outside are very different,"

Miu smiled a little at the innocent answer. "Yes, that's right. Because the building we're using is used as a disguise."

"What’s the meaning?"

"You'll find out later," Miu said mysteriously. She sat down on the sofa, with Terry sitting in front of her.

"We haven't met yet, right? I'm Miullina; you can call me Miu," the girl extended her hand to Terry. Terry shook the hand.

"I'm Terry. Nice to meet you, Miu," he said pleasantly.

"Yes, me too."

"So, what's your relationship with Kai? You guys seem very close."

"Just coworkers," she replied with a sweet smile. She picked up a blue envelope and handed it to Terry.

"What is this?"

"An envelope," she replied innocently.

"I know it's an envelope. But what is it for?"

"A symbolic sign that you have joined the Black Eagle Group,"

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