Chapter 011: On the Way

Chapter 011: On the Way

Throughout the trip, it was quiet in the car. Both Terry and Kai were lost in their own thoughts.

Terry turned his head towards the window, looking at the many tall buildings along the road he passed.

Terry looked bored with this silence. Moreover, Kai didn't say anything about the work he was going to do. A rough sigh escaped his lips.

"Kai?" Terry called out after a long time of being stuck in silence.

"What's wrong?" Kai replied. He did not turn his head toward Terry. His eyes were still focused on the slightly congested road.

"When I'm at Van Derrick's office, what will I be working as?" He asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, I have to know about the job I'll be doing first," he continued.

Kai was silent. His mouth was locked tightly. His hands gripped the steering wheel quite firmly, as if he were holding back the emotions that were about to burst out. However, his facial expression did not change in the slightest, looking flat and expressionless. a

"Kai?" I called Terry again, as Kai did not answer his words. "Why aren't you answering my questions?"

"Ah, sorry. I was thinking of something else, Terry."

Terry furrowed his brow. His brown eyes looked at Kai intensely, looking both curious and confused.

"What does that mean?"

"I was thinking about the company; that's why I didn't answer your question," Kai retorted.

"Oh," Terry replied briefly.

"And I told you, you'll be my assistant who accompanies me to the company instead of being part of them, Terry."

"But I don't think I have what it takes, Kai."

Terry bowed his head. His hands, which were in his lap, were clenched. The expression on his face changed slightly from before.

"What do you mean? I heard you studied in Australia, right? Majoring in business management and accounting." Tanya Kai took the time to look back at Terry briefly before refocusing on the road.

"That is indeed true. But-"

"So, what's the problem? You have enough knowledge to be my assistant, Terry," Kai interrupted again. He stopped the car when the traffic light turned red.

"Don't put yourself down. I know you have the skills. It's just that I'm still confused about why you don't work for a big company and wear shabby clothes like that."

Hearing such words made Terry upset. In the corner of his heart, he felt hurt by Kai's words. The man had no idea what had happened to him over the past few years to come to such a conclusion.

"There were some major events in the past that prevented me from working for the company, Kai." Terry sighed harshly, then glanced at his worn-out shoes.

"Oh, what kind of events?"

"I can't tell you about it right now. Sorry."

Kai showed a disappointed face. Again, Terry was hiding something from him. But he tried to cover it up. "Okay. I won't force you to tell me."

Terry gave a faint smile. "Thank you for understanding me,"

"You're welcome,"

"Oh yeah, is Van Derrick's office close by?"

Just as Kai was about to answer that question, his cell phone on the dashboard suddenly rang loudly, indicating an incoming call. Kai took the hands-free phone from his pocket and put it in his ear, then swiped the phone screen to pick up the call.


Kai got back into the car as soon as the traffic light turned green. During the call, Kai bit his lip. Terry realized something was wrong. But he kept his mouth shut until Kai and that person's call were over.

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Sorry for taking so long on the road. I got stuck in traffic."

The call was cut off. Kai took off the handsfree he was using and put it back in his pocket.

"Whose call is it?" Terry asked.

"From Van Derrick. They're asking why I haven't come yet," Kai said.

Terry nodded his head. He leaned his back against the car seat, trying to ease the nervousness that was currently engulfing him. Fearful thoughts of making a mess kept running through his head. She hoped that she could accompany Kai without any problems.

"Kai, where are we going?" Terry asked. He just realized that the car Kai was driving had left the city. They went through a road that had many trees on the left and right of the road. The road was quiet and gloomy.

"We're going to the Van Derrick company, right?" Kai said calmly. He even increased the speed of the car as if he were pressed for time.

"I know. But why in the direction of the forest?" Terry asked again.

"Well, the main office is in the forest. Never mind; don't talk too much and sit quietly in your seat."

"How can I be quiet if..."

Terry rounded his eyes as he accidentally saw something familiar behind the trees. It was like he saw the muzzle of a gun. However, still unsure, he squinted his eyes, trying to see the object more clearly. "What is it?"

"What are you looking at?" I asked Kai in surprise when Terry didn't continue his words.

"I kind of see something from behind the leaves and trees over there, like a long-barreled gun," Terry pointed at the tree they had just passed. "What is it, Kai? Are we being targeted?"

"Calm yourself. We're not being targeted. It's just a ranger," Kai replied briefly.


"I mean the bodyguards who work under Van Derrick's company. They're shadow guards."

Terry held his breath for a few seconds before looking back at the forest, skeptical of Kai's explanation. "I don't understand what you're saying more and more."

"You'll find out soon enough." Kai smiled mysteriously, then refocused on the road ahead.

Increasingly, the car continued to enter the forest area. In fact, sunlight was already rare in this place. Terry turned to Kai with a mixed face.

"Kai, be honest with me." Terry gripped Kai's arm hard enough for the blond man to grimace in pain.

"Where are you actually taking me? I don't think there's an office in a place like this."

"You'll find out. Just be patient for a little while longer," Kai replied with the same words. "Take your hands off me. I don't want both of us to have an accident."

Terry complied. He released his grip. "Alright."

The car continued to drive at a fairly high speed. Before long, Kai stopped his beloved Bentley in the courtyard of a building that looked unkempt.

"Kai, where are we?"

"You'll find the answer inside. Follow me," Kai released his seatbelt and got out of the car, walking towards the old building.

Terry had no other choice. He also removed his seatbelt and got out of the car, following Kai from behind. "Kai, wait!" He said he was walking fast enough to secure his footsteps.

Kai smiled slightly. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and typed something on it.

The target is already in front. Please do 'welcome' him.

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