Chapter 010: Old Best Friend?

Chapter 010: Old Best Friend?

"Who are you?"


The blond man with amber eyes pointed at himself. His eyes rounded for a few moments before finally flashing a wide, meaningful smile.

"I was one of your friends when we were in elementary school. Have you forgotten me already?"

Terry furrowed his brow. He thought for a moment while remembering the man in front of him. Honestly, Terry had trouble remembering people's faces, especially if it had been a long time since he met them.

Besides, his eyes scanned the man's appearance. Blond hair, amber eyes, shoulder-length earrings with an x on the end, then an expensive-looking black suit from head to toe. This man was from the upper class.

"Sorry, I don't remember you. You might have the wrong person."

The amber-eyed man snorted in annoyance, then walked up to Terry and put his hand on the man's shoulder.

"I'm Kai. Your best friend before I moved to Germany to follow my father." The man introduced himself in a confident voice.

"How could you forget your best friend? In fact, you were the one who cried when I moved."

"I don't think I had a friend named Kai in the past."" Terry replied in a low voice. He tried to remove Kai's hand from his shoulder. Because, to be honest, that part was quite sore from hitting the rock when he rolled over last night.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Terry asked again, trying to make sure.

"Aish, you're forgetful. Your nature never changes," Kai said, removing his hand from Terry's shoulder. Now, he folded his arms in front of his chest with a pretend expression of annoyance.

Terry recalled again, trying to rewind his memory. He closed his eyes, trying to find the answer. The man's hands even clenched into tight fists.

"Uh, don't force it if you don't remember." Kai said in a panicked tone while stroking Terry's upper arm. "We've been separated for a long time. So, it's natural that you don't recognize me."

"Yeah, maybe," Terry replied hesitantly. He glanced in the other direction with an unpleasant look. "Sorry, but I really don't remember you, Kai."

"It's okay." Kai replied with a rough sigh. "I'll introduce myself one more time so you'll remember me. My name is Kai Robert Grayon. Nice to meet you, Terry,”

"Ah, nice to meet you too. I'm Terry Alfred."

Kai stroked his chin using his forefinger, acting like a soldier looking for his enemy. His gaze looked frightening, even though he was smiling.

Terry could sense that this "friend" was a dangerous person. The dark aura behind that smile made Terry shudder, but he was also curious.

"Hey, why are you quiet?"

Kai snapped his fingers a few times to make Terry focus back on him. Terry gasped in surprise and finally shook his head.

"Oh nothing. By the way, what are you talking about?"

"Which conversation?"

"You said that they were after something from me about the past. But my memories are locked away. What does that mean?"

Kai smiled mysteriously. He immediately patted Terry's back gently. "You'll find out later. Once all the pieces of the puzzle are complete,

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Forget about that. You look very neat. Do you intend to go somewhere?"

Kai changed the subject with his cheerful voice. This naturally made Terry let out a long sigh. He was curious as to what Kai was referring to.

"Yes, I intend to find a job."

Kai furrowed his brow. His eyes narrowed with sharply dipped eyebrows. "Looking for a job?"

"Yes, I have to look for a job because I was fired from my previous job."

"If I may know, what were you fired for?"

"Um...." Terry looked doubtful. Moreover, this was a matter of his privacy. He didn't want to be humiliated by others again. "That's a personal thing. I'm sorry, I can't tell you."


"Because we just met for the first time, Kai. I can't open up to you about my life, even though we were friends in the past," Terry said again, hoping Kai would understand his words.

"Ah, sorry Kai. I shouldn't have said that if-"

"Don't discuss it. You have a point, after all. I'm still an outsider to you."

Guilt and confusion now filled Terry's heart. He felt that Kai was offended by his words. Terry lowered his head. He looked down at his shabby shoes.

Silence now engulfed the two men. Both Terry and Kai were lost in their own thoughts. Terry with his guilt, and Kai with his own thoughts.

"Hey, instead of feeling guilty or looking for a job you can't find, how about you come with me?"

Terry raised his head until his brown eyes met Kai's amber ones. "Where are we going?"

Kai smiled slightly as Terry was provoked by his words. "To a place where you'll like it. And I can also guarantee that if you come with me, then you will get a job today."

"Eh? Really?" Terry's eyes were rounded with a hopeful twinkle.

"Of course it's true. A man is trustworthy when he keeps his word." Kai paused his words briefly to catch his breath.

"So, do you want to come?"

"Alright. As long as I'll get a new job, then I'll come with you."

"Good choice. Now come on, follow me." Kai walked ahead, followed by Terry, who hobbled behind. A small whimper escaped Terry's mouth as he put his foot on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked worriedly as he looked at Terry, who was walking slowly behind him like a snail.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Your feet are hurting, huh?" Kai looked at Terry's feet, which looked quite odd. Even though Terry was wearing his long pants and shabby shoes, Kai could tell that they were swollen.

Terry shook his head. "No, I'm not. I told you my leg was fine. So, let's continue our journey. Don't you want to take me somewhere so I can get a job?"

"Oh right. I'm sorry."

"Alright. I'm sorry." Terry said it in a light tone to break the strange atmosphere that had trapped the two.

"But honestly, where do you want to take me?"

"To Van Derrick's company. I have a meeting to attend there. And you'll play the role of my assistant."

"What? But-"

"Come on, hurry up," Kai interrupted without intending to hear Terry's protests.

The blond-haired man slung Terry's arm over his shoulder and helped him walk to a Bentley parked on the side of the road. After the two got in, Kai drove the car to its destination.

On the other hand, a porche had just arrived near Terry's apartment. The driver, who was driving the car, shouted in annoyance.

"Damn, we're outpaced by that rancid group! Terry is already with one of them. What should we do now?"

"How can you be sure it's one of them?" asked Steve in surprise.

"Just a hunch. Besides, from the data I found, Terry doesn't have any high-class friends who own Bentleys!" Ben said.

"Chase it. Don't let them reach Van Derrick's office. If they manage to take Terry, we'll have a big loss,"

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