Chapter 009: Family Members

Chapter 009: Family Members

After taking Terry back to his apartment, Ben drove his car towards his headquarters. He drove his car at a moderate speed.

In less than 10 minutes, Ben arrived at a forest that was far from the residential area. He stored his favorite Porche car in one of the places he had marked, considering that the car would not enter the path he was about to take.

"Hah, sometimes I'm too lazy to come to the base because the access is so bad," Ben grumbled.

He took his phone out of his pocket and turned on his flashlight for light, then started walking towards the path that stretched about 200 meters ahead.

As soon as he reached an old building, Ben entered it without permission. He took off his shoes and put them on the shelf beside the door. The inside of the building was very different from the outside.

"You're late for our appointment," commented someone who was currently focused on the computer in front of him. His pointed, fox-like eyes were focused on the numbers and text on the screen.

Ben chuckled, then sit down next to the man with a rough sigh. "Well, there was something unexpected with the target. That's why I took care of it first."

Steve furrowed his brow. He glanced at Ben briefly before refocusing on the work at hand.

"If you're going to be late, at least give me a message." Steve scolded in a sharp tone.

"Do you know how long I have to wait for someone like you when I could be resting?" Steve said.

"Okay, I apologize for that." Ben sighed, then glanced at the computer in front of him with an annoyed sigh.

"I drove the target to his apartment first. You see, he came home battered after visiting the Trainor family home."

"Whatever the reason, it was still wrong of you not to inform me."

"Forget about that. So, who did the attack on the target?"

Steve pulled out the coffee on the table and blew on it slowly. "Matthias Van Derrick."

At the sound of that name, Ben tugged at the corners of his lips, forming a wide smile with a bright twinkle in his eyes, which made Steve shudder in horror.

"Matthias? Ah, it looks like I'm going to 'say hello' to him since he already scuffed my target."

"You crazy psychopath,"




Terry compressed the wound with the ice he found in the refrigerator. He groaned in pain as it came into contact with his leg, which looked swollen and bruised.

Earlier, Terry was offered by Ben to go to the hospital. However, he refused. The reason? Of course, because he didn't have any money.

Terry glanced around the apartment. It was quiet. That's how he felt. Normally, he would be doing Meghan's laundry right now, tired from work. And Meghan would keep complaining to him about not having enough money.

But now, everything has changed. Meghan was not by his side because she chose another man. Terry closed his eyes. He felt his chest tighten again for no reason.

"How do I persuade Meghan to come back?" He muttered under his breath.

Terry thought hard, trying to find a solution to this problem. However, no matter how far he searched, he would eventually reach a dead end. Not to mention, he had to find a job to make a living. Oh, trouble was coming at him like crazy.

Because he was tired. He fell asleep on the sofa, with the bag of ice still in his hand.




The next day, Terry was ready to look for a new job. Now, he wore a shabby white shirt, as well as the long pants he wore.

He walked with a limp. His ankle still hurt when he moved it. So, Terry held on to the wall, as he didn't have crutches to support his legs.

When the door to his apartment opened, a man stood in front of him with a flat face. His eyes were flat and cold. His hands were folded in front of his chest. And again, he was wearing an expensive suit, in stark contrast to Terry's shabby appearance.

"Terry," the man called in his heavy voice.

"Excuse me, who are you? Why do you know my name?" Terry asked in an unfriendly tone. He turned his face the other way, reluctant to meet the man standing in front of him.

"Don't pretend in front of me; I know you know me very well."

"Even if I know you, what did you come here for?" Terry clenched his hands tightly, forming a very solid fist.

"Did you come here because you wanted to mock my miserable condition?"

"I didn't want to come here either. But my father sent me to pick you up."

The man said it in a bored tone. He kept glancing at the fancy watch on his wrist, as if he were counting the time.

"Tell the old man I won't come back until he prostrates himself at my feet," Terry retorted coldly.

"Oh, Terry. You misunderstood the incident. You should have heard the story from two points of view before deciding who was at fault."

"Whatever you say, But the point is, I'm not coming back. So, get out of there and let me live with my own choices!"

Terry said it in a high tone, which provoked the rest of the apartment dwellers. They began to gather around to watch the fight.

"Terry. Please listen to me. As your older brother, you should-"


Ethan let out a long breath. He adjusted his glasses that were down. His brother was very stubborn and didn't want to listen to any explanation about the incident. He had run out of ways to bring Terry back home.

"Terry. I just want to take you back. To be honest, I feel hurt that you're living in such poverty for that bitch, Meghan."

"Shut your mouth, Ethan! You don't deserve to insult my wife like that!"

"Terry, open your eyes. She's just a bitch who doesn't deserve to be with you. Why do you keep choosing her when Daddy has already prepared a wife for you?"

"Because I love her,"

"But she doesn't. Look, she even divorced you, didn't she? Where's she when you used to fight for who was willing to walk out of the house and leave everything behind, huh? You're blinded by love, Terry!"

"That's none of your business. Now get out of my sight before I kick you out of here!"

"Alright. I'll go." Ethan gave up on persuading Terry today. "But I'll come back tomorrow to pick you up. I know that you still haven't made peace with the past.

"Leave right now!"

"If you want to come back, the door will always be wide open for you. Take care of yourself."

Ethan left Terry with languid steps. As soon as the back was out of sight, Terry felt his head throbbing. This morning, his mood had dropped dramatically. The desire to find a job disappeared without a trace.

"Why is everyone approaching me when I have nothing? What do they want from me?"

"It's possible; they're after your locked memories of something in the past." Someone came and answered Terry's troubled question.

"Who are you?"

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