Chapter 008: The Trainor Family (2)

Chapter 008: The Trainor Family (2)

"Oh, Madam Yessa,"

Terry politely greeted Meghan's mother, who had just come out of her private room. The middle-aged woman was dressed in a luxurious outfit of fiery red.

"Good evening. Forgive me if my arrival disturbs you."

Yessa shifted her gaze to Terry. Her lips pulled upward, forming a sardonic smile. That sharp, condescending gaze she cast on Terry, who was currently trying to maintain a smile,.

"If you know you're bothering me, why are you still here?" Yessa asked in a sarcastic tone.

Her hands, full of gold bracelets, were folded in front of her chest. As if to show what assets she had. As Terry recalled, Yessa had no jewelry. Then, where did all that jewelry come from?

Terry was silent for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse that would make his mother-in-law accept his visit. "I'm here to visit you."

"Just visiting me?" Yessa asked again. "Are you sure that's your intention?"

"Actually, I..."

"Want to take Meghan back and make her miserable with you?" Yessa retorted in a sharp tone. "Hasn't my daughter already asked for a divorce from you?"

"How did you know about-"

"Meghan called me crying. She said you were making her miserable." Yessa rolled her eyes lazily.

"And Meghan says you're an impotent man. So why do you still dare to come here if you can't make Meghan happy?"

Terry's eyes bulged. "What? I'm not impotent, madam. It's Meghan who-"

"Mom, sorry, I came late. The cashier where I paid for this gift is slow as a snail."

Before Terry could finish his sentence, someone walked in the door. Terry, Yessa, and Meghan turned their heads towards the source of the voice.

There was a man with neatly styled black hair. In his hands, he was carrying some paper bags containing some expensive things, like Hermes or Dior.

"Ah, you don't need to apologize and carry things like this, Matthias."

Yessa approached the man in a polite and friendly manner, in stark contrast to her treatment of Terry.

"It's okay, Mom. I just wanted to pamper you and Meghan. After all, women need to be groomed to look beautiful," Matthias replied with a wide smile, as if insinuating Terry, who was currently keeping his mouth shut.

Yessa's eyes were now fixed on some paper bags brought by Matthias, which were on the table. "Whatever you want. But what did you bring this time?"

"Just a few new bags," Matthias said modestly. He now sit down on the sofa with his legs wide open.

“Oh, I also bought some dresses, heels, and makeup for you and Meghan."

"Don't say 'just a few' if you bought a lot of stuff for us," Meghan chimed in. She went over to her mother to pick out some of the items on the table.

Terry himself was frozen in place. It was the first time he saw Meghan's smile look so wide. Very beautiful, he thought.

In addition, it was also the first time Terry heard Meghan's soft voice speak to Matthias. It was different when Meghan was dealing with him.

Meghan always yelled and snapped in a high tone. Not infrequently, Meghan would throw a tin cup at him if there was a job he forgot to finish.

Terry got up and walked over to his wife, patting her shoulder lightly. Meghan's laughter that had been in the air stopped, giving way to an irritated hiss.

"Why are you touching me?" Meghan snapped with bulging eyes.

She brushed Terry's hand off her shoulder and flicked her hand at the area where her husband had touched her earlier, as if cleaning the dirt off.

"Meghan, I have the right to touch you because you are my wife," Terry replied in a calm tone.

"Wife? Didn't I tell you this afternoon that I want a divorce from you?"

This time, Meghan turned her body to face Terry. She had to look up, as Terry was slightly taller than her.

"You are still my wife. I don't want us to divorce, Meghan," Terry shook his head.

"But I want a divorce from you!" Meghan pushed Terry's body until he fell to the floor. "I'm miserable living with you. And I want to get out of that misery!"

"But Meghan, I've also been trying to make our lives better," Terry said as he tried to stand up from his position. The man had to bite his lip as he felt his leg twisting.

"I've worked hard day and night to make you happy. I saved a lot of money for you, and-"

"And you can't make me happy!" Meghan said this with her hands clasped around his waist. His face was flushed with sharply drawn eyebrows. On top of that, his chest was rising and falling rapidly, indicating that he was emotional.

"The money you give me is always lacking! I can't even afford the bottle of perfume I always bought after marrying you. I'm ashamed to be humiliated by my friends!"


"And right now, I want you out of my mom's house, Terry. I'm disgusted with you. Go!"

Terry shook his head. He crawled to Meghan's feet and kneeled before the woman. His lips trembled violently with a panicked face.

"No, Meghan. I beg you, please don't throw me away. I already have no one but you. I beg you, please don't ask for a divorce from me."

Meghan did not hear her husband's words. Instead, she kicked Terry in the face, knocking him to the ground. Fresh blood poured out of Terry's nose. It was heavy enough to be difficult to control.

"Enough! Stop this disgusting drama, because I don't need it. Get the hell out of here! I'll take care of our divorce immediately!" Meghan snapped.

"Meghan, please."

"Matthias, get this useless man out of my mom house. I'm sick of talking to him!"

Matthias let out a rude sigh at Meghan's wish. He got up from his chair and grabbed Terry's hand. Dragging him like a animal.

Terry stirred in pain as his body was forcefully pulled toward the door. Once at the threshold, Matthias threw Terry's body so hard that the man rolled on the ground.

"You better get out of Meghan's life, Terry. You don't deserve to be with a woman as beautiful as her."

Matthias closed the door as soon as he finished dragging Terry out of the Trainor family home. Terry tried to get up. His body ached, especially his hands and feet. He stood up with difficulty and walked towards Ben's car with limping steps.

"Oh my God, what happened to you?"

Ben, who was on the phone with someone, paused his words as soon as he saw Terry walking with limping steps. The man's body looked dirty with dirt. Ben quickly approached his target and took a closer look at the man's condition.

"I'm fine. Just a little misunderstanding there," Terry replied with a faint smile.

"Are you sure?"


Ben took a deep breath. "That's all right. You get in the car first. I haven't finished my call yet."

Terry didn't reply but obeyed Ben's order. He got into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Meanwhile, Ben put the phone back in his ear and resumed his interrupted conversation.

"What's wrong?"

"Steve, please find out what happened to the Trainor family when the target went there. I'll be there in 20 minutes!"

"What?! But, Ben, isn't it-"


Ben cut off the call unilaterally. He clenched his hands into fists, his jaw tightening.

"Whoever comes close to hurting my target must suffer the consequences."

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