Chapter 007: The Trainor Family (1)

Chapter 007: The Trainor Family (1)

Ben came out of the bathroom after his business with Steve was over. He glanced at the fancy watch on his wrist. It was 8.15 p.m. That meant Steve had been on the phone for an hour!

Ben immediately ran towards his desk, afraid that Terry would leave him. Moreover, he had not been able to get close enough to convince the man to take him home to Walter's family.

If this happened, then the mission he was on would fail. And he would have to suffer dire consequences from Mr. Walter. Moreover, the family had its weaknesses.

Once at his desk, Ben breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Terry still sitting there. With two glasses of juice and a coffee cup that looked empty.

"Ah, thank goodness you are still here."

Terry glared at Ben. His hands were folded over his chest, and his jaw tightened. "What took you so long?"

"There are some things I need to take care of with my coworkers." Ben said it in a friendly tone. He sat back in his chair and drank the coffee that had gone cold from being left out for too long.

"And I didn't expect it to take this long. I'm sorry."

Terry sighed. He suppressed all the resentment that had been festering in his heart. His gaze weakened, and his demeanor returned to normal.

"Next time, please tell me if you want to call for a long time. I feel uncomfortable being here for too long."

"What do you mean?" Ben asked, confused. "Did something happen to you during my absence?"

Terry looked indecisive. He was hesitant to tell Ben about what he had experienced earlier. His eyes turned in the other direction, reluctant to meet Ben, who was still waiting for an explanation from him.

"Terry?" called Ben once again.

"Hm, just a small problem. Don't worry. I've taken care of it." Terry displayed a faint smile in response.

This certainly made Ben unsatisfied. He knew that his target was hiding something from him. However, if he insisted, then Terry would be further away from him. And this would certainly have an impact on the mission he was running. Therefore, Ben abandoned his intention to interrogate Terry.

"Alright. I won't force you to talk. But if there's something you want to tell me, please just say it, okay?"

"Hm," he mumbled incoherently in response.

Terry looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the cafe. He stood up immediately. Which made Ben look confused. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the Trainor family. I have something to do," Terry replied briefly.

"Trainor family? Do you mean your wife's family?"


Ben put the bread he was about to take half a bite of onto the plate, then centered all his focus on Terry, who was currently avoiding him. "What business do you mean? Can I come?"

Terry rounded his eyes. He shook his head quickly in response. "No. You don't have to come. It's a private matter anyway."

"Huh, I want to be closer to you as a friend, not as your father's subordinate. Come on. Let me come." Ben made a pleading face, which was met with a shake of the head from Terry.

"You can't!"

"Then allow me to drive you. I won't go to your in-laws' house, especially since it's quite far from here, right? Do you agree?"

Terry looked pensive. He was considering the offer Ben had made to him. There was a sense of doubt that settled in his chest. Moreover, Ben was his father's man.

However, he also couldn't go to the Trainor family's house if he just walked; the distance between this cafe and Meghan's family's house was about 10 km. If he relied on walking, then Terry could arrive tomorrow morning.

Terry sighed and made a decision. "Alright. You can drive me. But don't come to Meghan's mom's house. Do you understand?"


After paying for the order, Ben and Terry rushed off to pick up the porch at the park. It was the same place where Ben had hit Terry earlier.

After Terry buckled up, Ben drove the car to Meghan's mom's house at high speed.

In just 30 minutes, Terry had arrived near Meghan's family home. Terry took off his seat belt.

"You can stay here or you can go home. But one thing you must do: don't follow me!" Terry reminded him again, to which Ben nodded his head.

After making sure Ben didn't follow him, Terry walked into the modest housing complex there. Terry deliberately made Ben park his car outside the compound because he didn't want to be followed.

Along the way, his heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to burst out of its socket. His face was a little pale because he was nervous about what to say in front of Meghan's mother later.

About 5 minutes later, his feet stopped at a simple type 36 house with faded red paint. Terry reassured himself while chanting silently not to be kicked out by Meghan's family, especially her mother. His hand knocked on the wooden door in front of him.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Wait," a very familiar female voice sounded in Terry's ears.

As soon as the door opened, Terry held his breath. Because it was his wife, Meghan, not his mother-in-law, who opened the door.

"Hi Meghan." Terry tried to make small talk, even though he wasn't used to it. "Can I come in?"

Meghan didn't answer. But she opened the door wide, inviting Terry to enter. Terry took off his worn-out shoes and entered the modest house.

Apparently, a dinner was being held at Meghan's house. There were some pretty fancy dishes that he rarely saw. Such as roasted turkey, and seafood such as shrimp and lobster.

The fragrance of the food made his stomach rumble again. Although he had eaten bread while at the cafe, Terry was still not full. His saliva was almost drooling at the sight of the food in front of him.

"So, what do you want when you dare to come here?" Meghan asked in a cold voice, breaking Terry's focus. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, giving the impression of being both haughty and arrogant.

"I want to take you back home, Meghan. After all, you're still my wife," Terry said softly, trying to negotiate with his wife.

Terry reached for Meghan's hand, about to grasp it. However, Meghan quickly withdrew her hand as she gave Terry a disgusted look.

"No, thank you for the offer. But I don't want to come back to you. I don't want to be miserable anymore."

"But Meghan. I don't want a divorce from you. Don't we love each other?"

Meghan laughed out loud when she heard that sentence come out of Terry's mouth. She hit the table hard enough for the spoon to bounce off the wooden table.

"Love each other? What are you talking about? Are you fantasizing and making up a soap opera script?"

"Meghan. You-"

"I don't love you. I actually regret marrying you, Steve. You know, just looking at you makes me want to throw up."

Ah, his chest hurt again. Meghan's sharp words made him unable to move. "Then why did you accept my proposal?"

"Because I thought you could make me happy. But it all turned out to be a zonk."

"Meghan. Please don't-"

"Why are you here, Terry, the useless human?"

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