Job Hunting

She entered the room and froze immediately.

"What happened?" King Anderson asked, noticing her change of mood.

"Where is the person that was communicating with you?" She retorted.

"Person? Communication? I've been the only one since morning" King Anderson explained.

"Hell no! I'm sure that I heard some voices as I was about to enter. Am I hallucinating?" She asked, wondering what happened to the voices that she was hearing.

She sat on the sofa that Adam was seated on before.

She began using her nose to sniff the sofa.

"This smells like Adam. Was he here?" She questioned.

"Karina. I was the only one here. I just finished conversing with someone on the phone before you entered. The smell might be from lilly. She was the only person that had entered this room today" he tried to explain but Karina wasn't convinced.

She stood up, trying to trace the scents and she had almost reached the curtain, where Adam and Rohan were hiding when the King yelled at her.

"What are you trying to do? Are y
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