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The news of arresting Diana and the princess being at the hospital has circulated inside the palace.

The maids were discussing it, showing their happiness about the news and thankful that Diana didn't end up being the Prince's wife, else life might be difficult for them all.

During their discussion, Clara managed to eavesdrop on their conversation, which In it, she heard that Adam would be coming home In the evening to rest while Karina would be staying behind at the hospital to continue with her treatment.

"This is the best time to execute my plan since Adam will be the only one at home. Yes! After making love to me, he will be left with no other choice than to dance to my tune since I'll be blackmailing him with the sex. By doing that, I'll have access to control him in regaining my company's reputation and others" she thought happily and beamed in gladness.

After that, she called her sister, Aria to tell her to put the drugs inside Adam's drinks.

Oh yes! She had managed to convince
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