Smart Game

Felix woke up with blurry vision. He rose from his bed and grabbed his head in pain. He was having a hangover as a result of the alcohol that he took the previous night.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his mouth opened in agape.

"What the heck happened last night?" He screamed, noticing he was naked and Aria was sleeping beside him.

His screams was the one that woke Aria up from her peaceful sleep.

"Good morning, Felix" she greeted, using the duvet to cover her bare chest.

"Aria, what happened between us? What the heck happened? Don't tell me we had sex last night. Tell me what I don't know please" he was panicking, not wanting to believe the information that his brain was passing to him.

"Is that why you shouted? Gosh! It's not a big deal. I noticed you were drunk last night and wouldn't stop muttering my sister's name. I brought you to your house and in the process of getting you to sleep, I fell on top of you and we kissed. From there, we made love" Aria explained nonchalantly. She
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