The End

Five years later

At an amusement park, Kids were playing, rejoicing and having fun.

"Aunty" , a little girl of three years called Kayla , arrived at the place.

"Oh my little pumpkin" Kayla rushed to meet her and bowed to her level.

"I have been looking for the but I was told that you went to your hospital" she said in her tiny tone

"Yes, I had an emergency to attend to buy right now, I'm back to you. Let's have fun" Kayla uttered as she tickled the little girl while they both laughed.

As they were walking hand in hand to another section of the park, the girl mistakenly collided with another girl of her age and she fell down.

"Oh no" Aria, the little girl rushed to carry the girl up, despite that she couldn't.

Checking her body, she had a wound on her leg.

Like a drama, princess Aria started crying

"Are you okay? Please forgive me. I had no idea that you were going to fall down. I was only following my auntie without focusing on the road" she said, amidst her tears.

Kayla was stunned.
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