
Clara entered the palace, feeling glad and excited.

"Now, the palace will be worth a living place" she added as she pulled out the mirror from the boot of her car.

Yes! She later took the pieces out for repair since Karina had given her the go ahead to use whatever method she likes to make sure the mirror was back to normal.

"Yes! It can't be like the original mirror but still, the broken traces are minimal. If Karina wasn't sent to ruin me, then she should have no reason to complain about this again" she murmured to herself.

"But damn, I spent a lot on this. I doubt it I have upto two hundred dollars left in my account" she added and went inside her apartment.

Along the way, she sensed something unusual. The palace was as quiet as it used to be. Even a drop of a pin could have been heard if it happened.

"What's going on?" She asked no one in particular.

"Well, the princess might have given orders. Who knows?" She later shunned it off and entered into her apartment.

Seeing the mirror
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