CH- 3 Thank God!

Noah was lost in his thoughts for a second, while the old man continued to sob uncontrollably on the other end.

"These people think that they can bully my wife and pressure her into leaving me… just to marry that filthy bastard! And only because they think I'm a nobody. But I'm just waiting for the day they find out my real identity…"

Noah Smith was actually Noah Kingsley, the heir to the Blue Whale Corporation and the Edencrest Estate! Not just any ordinary company, but one of the most mysterious ones in the world!

The Blue Whale Corporation commanded over half of the world's wealth– even a million dollars was just like a drop in the vast ocean of their wealth! And yet, nobody knew anything about the family at all…

Back when he was just five years old, he had been disowned by the family and kicked out of the house– after being told that he had nothing to do with the Edencrest family from this point forward.

However, some time ago, Stuart, the housekeeper of Edencrest Estate found him once again, and said that this life of facing hardships and proving that he could survive without anybody's support was just a test of his character.

Now that he had passed the test with flying colors, he could become the new heir of Edencrest Estate and inherit the property and balance worth billions of dollars!

However, Noah was not convinced so easily.

He was well aware of the secrets and prejudices of the upper circles; and he had lost all interest from this circus of hypocrisy. That's why, he just wanted to devote his time to his wife, and spend a common life with his family.

Until just now…

The verdict had been announced, and he was being forced towards a divorce. If he didn't take any steps now, his wife would be snatched away from him by those money-hungry hounds.

So, this was a last resort.

Thinking this, Noah hung up the call and stamped out the smoke with a heavy sigh.

"I have my own wishes, but life's circumstances don't care about it. It's quite difficult to be an ordinary man too…"


The next morning…

Since the moment that Noah's mother-in-law, Olivia had opened her eyes, she couldn't wait to urge Eliana every waking moment;

"Hurry up! It was already decided last night that you'll go to see James Clifton with Henry, then why are you being so sluggish?"

"Mom, I don't want to go with him!"

Eliana felt a pang of sadness.

"Don't want to go? You stupid girl, at least let James Clifton take a proper look at you and add fuel to the fire of his feelings! The fact that he already fancies you is no less than a blessing for us, so we should also put some effort into it. It's a good chance for us to get a proper, handsome son-in-law instead of this trash bag. Besides, think about Henry, it's also for him!"

"But what about Noah…"

"You ungrateful brat! If you don't put in some effort for your future, heaven will also curse you. This is what your Grandma has planned for you, and besides, don't you want to take the opportunity to get rid of this loser once and for all?" Olivia roared.

At this time, Noah stepped out of the kitchen wearing an apron. He was carrying a tray of breakfast and said with a smile;

"Honey, here you go…"

Eliana saw that his behavior was completely different from everyone else in the room; because he was the only one acting like things were completely fine.

She looked at him and asked sadly,

"Noah, do you have anything to say?"

Her heart was sinking under the waves of depression, and she was just trying to keep herself afloat by any means.

And yet, he was still so calm at this time! Even if he was weak, shouldn't he at least be feeling a little angry towards this injustice?


Noah flashed her a wide smile,

"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to us. After all, God also helps good people."


She could swear that he was the same person who had said last night, that he would not let anyone bully her… and here he was now, putting all his hopes on God?

"You have really let me down!"

Eliana said sadly.

Right at that moment…

David, his father-in-law, who was watching TV in the living room, suddenly shouted out;

"Something's wrong! Everyone, hurry up, come and watch the news!"

The current news headlines were that there had been a fight in the Mystic Allure Nightclub last night!

A total of 127 people were seriously injured, all of them being the security guards of the nightclub. James Clifton, the son of the chairman of Clifton Group, was beaten the most seriously.

He was the most severe victim of a stampede, and as per the preliminary diagnosis, he would be infertile for all his life.


The bowl that Olivia was carrying in her hands fell to the ground with a loud crash.

Her mind was completely blank after hearing this…

James Clifton was really the kind of person that rumors had suggested…

So, her hope that the trash bag named Noah will be replaced by a regal and rich son-in-law... Will it be completely extinguished now?

Eliana was completely speechless.

The next headline on the screen practically shook the ground from under their legs!

"... An hour ago, another crime of a sinister nature also came to light. There is sufficient evidence such as video, eye witnesses and DNA test to prove that a Frost heir has drugged a woman and committed a crime. As of right now, he has been arrested..."

That "Frost heir" was none other than Henry Frost!

After hearing the two recently broadcasted headlines, Eliana found herself speechless out of amazement.

James Clifton was badly beaten and Henry Frost was arrested. So... Did it mean that everything was over now?

She had just gone to bed, and everything had happened on its own in the meantime!

Noah shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Well, didn't I tell you, that God would help."

"God damn it!"

Olivia looked like she was on the verge of tears, with her face completely red and her eyes blown wide open;

"How the fuck did it even happen! And how dare you still show your cursed face in this house?! Oh, it has been proven today, there is no justice in the eyes of God! The world is really unfair…

Wait a minute, actually! It is not the fault of the universe! It's all because of this deadbeat who has managed to marry our daughter, and brought bad luck into our house. You have jinxed our good fortune before it has even arrived… Noah, if I could, I would have killed you with my own two hands!"

It was a great blow to her, that her dream of glory and wealth had disappeared after just sleeping overnight!

On the other hand, Eliana breathed a long sigh of relief.

Finally, the crisis was over…

No matter how it happened!

At least she didn't have to marry that beast James Clifton anymore.

The stunned silence in the house was broken when Noah's phone began to ring.

"Young master, I have arrived at your door. Are you home? I have brought the legal documents along with me, so that you can sign the inheritance agreement of Edencrest Estate."

"My door!?"


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