Chapter ten.

Dark deeds of a bright church.

Accompanied by the brothers of the masters, I examined the settlement - bursting with pride and consumed with impatience, Drevin and Drovin raised me at dawn to show me everything that had been done during our absence.

And I, naively, hoped that I could sleep off for the whole last week. Where is there ... who would let me ...

The first rays of the sun barely had time to break through the dense clouds and fall on the walls of the gorge when I was unceremoniously awakened. As usual, Ricard, who was sleeping next to him, opened one sleepy eye, grunted something impartial about the restless brothers, and, straightening the slipped blanket, continued to sleep. He certainly didn't want to wake up. With burning envy, I got up, groaning - the workload of the last days had an effect, my muscles ached mercilessly - I made my way to the stream, sprinkled ice water on my face, threw on a tattered leather jacket and waved a doomed hand to Drevin, showi
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