Chapter 4

Chapter Four.

In a new place.

The first day in a new place turned out to be one of the most difficult for me - for the first time I tried to stand up and take a few steps. Prudent Ricard prepared a pair of homemade crutches for this occasion and now cackled at me like a mother hen, running from one side to the other. I refused his offer to lie down for another day, they say, they can handle it themselves, which caused a bunch of reproaches about my indiscretion and stupidity. Seeing that I was stubborn and could not be persuaded, the big man sighed contritely and, after a short absence, returned with crutches. Looks like he prepared ahead of time, doubting my prudence. 

And now, leaning on crutches, I was preparing to take the first step. 

Taking a cautious step, I shifted my weight onto my injured leg and listened to the sensations. Tolerable. I am not a walker for long distances, but so far this has not been required. From an unexpected thought that came to my mind, I laughed out loud and, looking at Ricard, said:

“But this is really my first step in life. Old Koris Van Yser died and I was born. And this is my first independent step.

Ricard shrugged his shoulders in his favorite way and said nothing. 

- Let's go for a walk, Ricard - I suggested - People will be pleased to see that I have almost recovered. 

However, it depends which way you look at it. Such a petty tyrant, as I was in the recent past, few people want to see. And at the head of the people ... I think, in the depths of their souls, most of them were only glad when the boar tore me and now lamented that, due to the absurd whim of the Creator, I survived. Surely many were already looking forward to how the branches of the funeral pyre would crackle, burning my mortal body and freeing people from the blood oath. Hmm… I wish I could remember what kind of oath this is. 

Slowly shifting my feet, I made my way to the center of the camp. Having overcome only a dozen meters, I was sweating and out of breath, like a blacksmith after a day of working with a flaming forge. Remembering that there was still a way back, I finally hung up my nose. 

“Can I ask you to carry me back in your arms?” – crept in vile thought. It's tempting. I was thinking about it when the loud words of someone's fiery speech distracted me from pain and fatigue. 

The speech was pushed by the priest, perched on a high stump left over from a fallen tree. In front of his impromptu pulpit, a crowd of people gathered enthusiastically listening to an ardent sermon. People were so absorbed in the words of Father Flatis that no one noticed my modest appearance. Listening, I realized that it was bad. The priest dispersed, only that the sparks did not fly in all directions. Ricard and I managed only in the middle of the sermon, but what we heard was enough to understand that it was time to take power into our own hands. Right now. Until Father Flatis did things.

- ... our sacred duty to build a church on this accursed land! We are called to carry the power of the Creator through all hardships and obstacles. Return these lands to the bosom of the church! I call you, my brothers and sisters, my flock, to start building a church today on the spot where I stand...

- Father Flatis! – I unceremoniously interrupted the dispersed saint. Short, loud and powerful. As I noticed with satisfaction, the heads of the listeners, one by one, began to turn in my direction. A start has been made, - What are you doing here? BUT? Who told you that you can manage MY people as you see fit? 

A sigh of amazement and joy passed over the crowd. All the people were already looking at me, and in their eyes I could distinguish sincere joy, mixed with relief. For a moment, I felt ashamed of my thoughts that many people were glad of my illness. It looks like I was wrong.

- Mister!

- Mister!

-Glory to the Creator, the master rose to his feet.

- Do not interfere, my son! - Waking up, the priest began to wail, realizing that he was losing listeners - How dare you! Barriers to put up a holy cause! The sacred mission entrusted to us is to bring the light of the Creator to the damned lands and…

- Not! We are here to establish a settlement and most importantly, to survive! – I barked, looking at the priest over the heads, – And do not try to interfere! The church will be built, but not now! Now there are things that will be more important than the new temple. 

- Yes, how are you! – the holy man choked and, shaking his staff, yelled, – Do not listen to him, my children, otherwise the Dark One himself moved into him. 

- Ricard! - I turned to the big man, - Calm it down ... if you don’t want it in a good way - make it. 

Ricard pushed his way through the crowd and, ignoring the cries of the enraged priest, dragged him to the ground. I don't know what the big man said, but the priest instantly shut up and allowed himself to be led aside. Turning to the people around me, I peered into their faces. He glanced at them and began to speak:

- I'm Koris Van Yser! You are all here because of me. Because of my mistake. Because of my stupidity, meanness and cowardice. I am very guilty before you. But that's all in the past. Don't take back what you've done. Now let's talk about the present. Many people think that we are doomed. This is not true! We have a chance to survive! But only under one important condition - listen to me and follow only my orders and no one else's! Does everyone understand?

The crowd stirred.

- Yes, sir.

- Don't hesitate, sir.

- Yes, sir.

We are with you, sir.

- Good! And now listen to the first order - to collect the camp. We're leaving in an hour. Fulfill! I finished. After waiting for everyone to disperse, I took a breath and wiped my sweaty forehead. Happened. 

The short speech tired me, my hands trembled, the headache returned again, but I achieved the main thing - I restored order and neutralized the fanatic of Father Flatis. I have a feeling it will give me more trouble. You need to have a thoughtful conversation with him. Later. There are more important things to do now. 

Hobbled to the stretcher with the help of Ricard, I took out the map and opened it on the grass. I really did not like the place for the settlement, imposed on us by the Royal Chancellery. For several reasons at once: it is far from the water, the area is open to unkind looks from all sides and also because THERE know exactly where we are. The last point, for some unknown reason, worried me the most. 

In one of the papers, recommendations were given for arranging a new settlement: first of all, to erect a church so that its strength would protect people from evil spirits, then proceed with the construction of houses and cultivating fields for crops. 


There was not a word about a protective wall or a log palisade. No mention of the dangers of the Wildlands. Following the instructions of the Royal Office meant signing the death warrant for all of us. I wonder how many of these units like us they have already sent to the Wildlands and how many of them founded settlements or managed to return back? The thought crept into my head that this was nothing more than a way to get rid of objectionable people, and even for the benefit of the kingdom. 

It was necessary to choose a good place for the future fort. I immediately rejected the idea of ​​founding a village. Too dangerous. After spending an hour looking at the map, I finally found the perfect place for my purposes. 

Horseshoe. A powerful rock occupying a dominant position in the middle of a hilly wasteland. 

The rock will reliably protect us from three sides from all dangers. I will build a fort inside the Horseshoe, at the very isthmus connecting the spurs. Hearing Ricard's cry that everyone was ready to go, I folded up the map and climbed onto the stretcher, stretching out my tired legs with relief. I will not be able to get to the place of the future settlement on my own. So far, I'm a useless walker. 


We covered several miles through a dense grove, and came close to the foot of the Horseshoe. Having examined the rock closely, I was convinced that I was right - it is almost impossible to climb up the sheer walls. In any case, for unreasonable creatures this is an insurmountable barrier. But I was more interested not in the rock itself, but in its hollow core.  

After walking another mile, we came to a gorge overgrown with trees between the spurs of the Horseshoe and followed it. Encountered in abundant quantities of blocks and fragments of stones greatly slowed down the advance of the detachment. Not the slightest hint of a trail. But now it just makes me happy. The fewer traces of someone else's intelligent activity, the better for us. 

Close by, sheer walls rose high above our heads, it seemed as if we were looking up from a deep well. A wide cold stream flowed along the bottom of the gorge, winding between the stones. The creek marked on the map played a big role when I was choosing a place for our future home. There is no life without water. A source of clean spring water located at hand is a guarantee of survival. 

The sun was at its zenith when we finally reached the thick isthmus connecting the spurs of the Horseshoe. Ricard ordered a halt, exhausted by a difficult transition, people collapsed to the ground without strength. 

We have arrived at our new home.

After waiting for the people to catch their breath a little, I called Ricard and asked him to select a few men versed in hunting, working with stone and wood, and a man who could take on numerous household chores. There is no time to waste. Organization is above all. I liked this unusual word - organization - it exuded seriousness and reliability. 

I don't know where I got this information and rules from, but they seemed more than reasonable. 

Ricard rushed off in search of the right people, and in the meantime I decided to take a good look around.

We were inside the Horseshoe, close to the back rock connecting the spurs. Inside a gigantic blacksmith's horseshoe that flew off the hoof of a monstrous horse. On three sides we were surrounded by high walls, rising to a height of more than four hundred cubits - at the isthmus, the walls of the gorge approached and entered it at a wide angle. Attacks from these sides can not be feared. From the foot of the western wall, a contented, frisky stream originated. The only way to get here was through a long gorge. Or from the air, which is unlikely unless you're a bird. I was pleased. One of the problems was solved. 

There was a cough behind me and I turned around. 

Ricard and four other men. I knew one - a porter with a black eye that I remember. I was not familiar with the rest, but I had no doubts about Ricard's choice. The big guy knew everyone. I didn't know anyone. Just started remembering faces. 

Nodding, I pointed to the grass next to me, inviting me to sit down - I still couldn’t stand confidently, but I didn’t want to look up at my interlocutors. Yes, and the rank was not supposed to. 

While waiting for everyone to sit down, I carefully examined them, trying to memorize their faces in as much detail as possible. 

- Well - I began, making sure that they were listening to me, - Ricard chose you as masters of your craft. He trusts you, and I trust Ricard's choice. We have reached the end point of our long and exhausting journey. This will be our new home. And there is a lot of work to be done as soon as possible. We only have a few months before winter arrives. First of all, we must take care of the reliable protection of our settlement, the supply of food for the winter and warm housing. I can explain in a nutshell: there is a lot of work, and time is running out. Are you clear?

- We understand everything, sir - answered for everyone, Ricard - Do not hesitate, we will do our best. None of us are afraid of work. 

- Well, great - I smiled - Enough work for everyone. And now let's get down to business. What is your name? What can you do? I asked a blond, heavily built middle-aged man. A confident face, a tenacious look, several small scars on the cheeks and forehead. Behind the shoulders is a long bow. 

- Litas, sir. He used to serve in your father's detachment, then was responsible for the delivery of game to the baron's table. Was the head huntsman. Hunting, looking after the forest - the man answered clearly.

- Good. From now on, you are the head of our hunters. Pick five more people, take a good look around the gorge we passed on our way here. Try to get something for dinner. Place several traps for small birds or hares. Pay special attention to the tracks of predatory animals. If you see footprints you don't know, tell me right away. Your main job is meat! The bigger, the better. Did you understand me well?

- Yes, sir, Koris! Do not doubt. There will be plenty of meat. The game is not scared here. 

- Then get down to business.

The blond-haired man jumped up and rushed off to carry out the task, and I looked at the porter.

Koris, sir. What you order, I will do. 

- Koris? My namesake means, - I laughed, - well, listen, namesake. You will collect all the food from the bags in one place. Choose a few skilled cooks and let them begin to cook for everyone, appoint a head cook over them, who is stricter in character, but not absurd, but such that no one dares to argue with her. Place a reliable person near the food supplies. You are responsible for food safety. Take care of the arrangement of the kitchen and the camp. When Litas starts delivering meat, it will be necessary to smoke or dry it - this is also up to you. In general, in general, the whole economy is on you. I repeat - you answer with your head. 

- I won't let you down, sir. How many men can I take to help me?

- Not at all - admiring the namesake's bulging eyes, I continued - I can't give men. They are needed for hunting and construction. Choose older children, women, old people, whatever is stronger. And get started. Got it, namesake?

- Understood, sir - the namesake drawled in a fallen voice. 

- Well, let's get down to business then. And do not rush to lose heart. I don’t expect great achievements from you right now - I understand that things will move slowly. For me, the main thing is that you stand confidently at the head of economic work and that the work still moves, and does not stand still. 

Returning a smile to his face, the namesake bowed and jogged away to the women who had gathered nearby.

- How many people do we have? I turned to Ricard. Before that, I managed to calculate approximately, but I wanted to know for sure.

- Not enough, sir - the big man answered laconically, - Thirty-six men, forty-eight women and twenty-four children. Five people died along the way. 

- Five? - I asked in surprise, - I know about Trofis, and four more? 

“One child died from a snakebite, a rotten tree fell on a woman, two hunters just disappeared, sir.

- Gone? Are they all gone? 

- Yes, sir. They went hunting and didn't come back. We followed their path, but we only reached a forest stream, and there the tracks disappeared. 

- Didn't find anything else?

- No, sir. No shreds of clothing, no blood, no signs of battle. Nothing. They didn’t even hear the screams - Ricard shook his head negatively. 

- Where did it happen? What were they armed with? Were you able to fight?

“Nine days' journey from here, sir. They carried bows and swords with them. Experienced warriors, served in the detachment of the old baron for several years. They are accustomed to everything, they have seen a lot. I say - experienced. 

I thought. Two healthy armed men disappear without a trace. They could not run away - as far as I understood, the blood oath would not allow this, as well as betray me. That's bad. I'll come back to this later. While there are problems much more important.

- Your names? What can you do? I asked the last men, so similar in appearance to each other that it was immediately clear that brothers were sitting in front of me. 

- Drevin and Drovin, sir. My brother and I are trained to work with stone, and we don’t make a mistake with wood, - a thick-set short man bowed, - they also built a castle for your father, for which they were awarded masters with belts. 

- I need you. Your task is to inspect the gorge and think about this: we need a high wall that will not allow a single creature to get inside. No tree. Only stone, and there is plenty of it here. The wall needs to be built in such a way that there is enough space between it and the back rock for a large common house, outbuildings, a large yard, and other things. Places should be in reserve, but not too much - we do not need too much free space. All remaining men are at your disposal. The sooner we build the wall, the more chances we have of survival.

- We understand, sir, - Drevin replied sedately, - May I proceed? While the sun is high, it would be necessary to look around. Figure out what's what. 

- Proceed - I released the brothers and added - Ricard, you also go with them - you have guards. Arrange posts so that even a mouse does not slip through without our knowledge. Don't let anyone out of the camp. From this day on, you are my right hand and are responsible for the security of the camp. Take special care of the children, and... don't forget about Father Flatis. I feel he will still drink our blood. But don't push the old man! - he saved my life, and he is affectionate with children, again, he heals the sick. A man, though harmful, but very useful. 

After giving out the orders, I leaned back and began to figure out how much time we had left. Summer was ending. There are only a few months left before the start of winter. During this time, we must have time to stock up on everything necessary to survive the winter. Given everything I've learned from my conversations with Ricard, we need to hurry. The task before us is almost impossible. 

I myself didn’t rest at all now either - my body was recovering, and my bruised head was seething and seething from an excess of thoughts that needed to be sorted, systematized and put on shelves. And how do I know these words? I understand the meaning clearly, but the words are clearly not simple. Did I really like to leaf through instructive books? Hm… 

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