I decided to understand the system, which finally made itself felt, already at home, with a cup of tea in my hands. Therefore, quickly closing the door of the club room, I hurriedly headed home.

After changing clothes, I brewed high-quality Japanese Hojicha green tea in a teapot. Mm, really delicious. No wonder Keiki loved him so much. However, because of the same taste buds, I just can't help but like what he liked.

While enjoying the fine tea and walking away from the first day at the Japanese school of another world, at the same time I mentally gathered my strength to deal with my personal glitch after all. To myself, I can admit that I deliberately delayed this moment.

It is one thing to get into another world, the existence of which is fully allowed by modern science, another thing is a system, the scientific justification of which I find it difficult to give. Of course, one can assume that a chip has been implanted into my brain, with the help of which inscriptions are projected
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