'Knock, knock', Nathan knocked as hard as he could on Harry's wooden door, of about 7 feet tall with the broadest smile he displays when he is about to pass on a goodnews.
'Who's there?' replied a tiny voice. Should probably be Harry's sister. 'Why does it always have to be her answering the door?' Nathan angrily thought. As he then changed the tone if his voice, trying to copy that of John's.
"Tell Harry it's John and that I want to see him now". Nathan said, but this time, hiding his face from the tiny hole that bored through the old door, so, the little girl won't know it is him.
After waiting for about 10 seconds, Harry burst the door open, smiling as hard as his pink lips could reach his ears. "Are we in?" He asked Nathan as though he had been praying all night for a goodnews, which he probably was, telling from his dull eyes that he barely had a proper night rest.
"Well,...." Nathan said halfway as Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a nearby parking lot.
"Come on bro, are we in, tell me we are!" Harry said, smiling in expectation of a positive response to his buddy who continued, "well, Harry, so, I was able to sign the four of us in, but unfortunately......" Nathan said with his face looking like he had been moaning.
All of Harry's smile was about to come to a crash when Nathan continued "unfortunately, we are in....." Nathan screamed... at least not loud enough for Harry's sister to hear. She would immediately report to her cruel mother, of course putting Harry in danger.
"No way..." Harry replied with his wide arms suddenly wrapped around Nathan's broad shoulders. And as if connected with nature, a calm breeze set in, making the two have a wonderful moment.
"Here's what is going to happen" Harry continued, "I'll get dressed and contact Sindra and Orcus and we meet at your place." They both agreed and departed. Harry was as happy as he could ever be. Finally his dream -their dream is coming to reality he thought.
When Harry got back home, his Mom was already sitting on her usual couch waiting aggressively like she was ready to pounce on the 18 years old.
"Where were you?" She asked as though she already knew that he was with Nathan. The very reason why mom detested Nathan remained a history to Harry.
Harry who was now thinking of some sort of lie to give was gracefully saved when Dad dashed in through the back door with some sort of documents in his hand and shouted "it worked.. we are rich....". Everyone turned and looked at him as he continued "so, this morning, I was called by Mr. Lockwood for a proper interview. He told me I was fitting for the job, he then took me around and showed me my own working space, and guess what, I am to start work tommorow". Dad yelled!
'Finally, dad has gotten a job. I can now bill him for every single material i need. It has really been a setback for me as I made little or no earnings at all. And I'll also be able to get my monthly allowances flowing in again.' Harry smiled as he crept his way into his room. Leaving dad and mom to talk about dad's new job.
Harry has been painting since he was six. His first three paintings were hung on the wall where he placed his cupboard. When Harry followed his mom to grocery store, he always requested for watercolors and a bunch of A3 papers. This happened over and over until his parents stopped him from painting, saying it took too much of the young lad's time. They wanted him to focus primarily in finishing school with high grades.
Dad later owned a supermarket in town where he told Harry to work as a sales person. When Dad informed Harry, he quietly screamed in because he dreaded his father Mr. Adam. But, he had no choice and so, when he closes from school, he spent the rest of the miserable day selling, which he lovingly detested.
Harry quickly reached to his phone and called Sindra and passed the news to him and his brother Orcus. "Hurry up, we meet at Nathan's house in an hour's call" he said as he ended the call.
Sindra was elated as well as Orcus his brother, that they both ran their way to the sitting area to inform their dad of the Goodnews. Mr. Ford their father smiled like he had always known it would work out.
"But, will we make it to the end of the competition?" Sindra asked looking anxious. Orcus continued "dad, there will be tons of pro Artist there in groups. We are just four and we haven't had enough time to prepare for whatever the competition may be " Orcus continued, but this time in a worried tone "I don't want to come home a failure father" he ended looking directly into the old man's eyes.
The two boys were excused by their father as he had to pick up a private call. Despite all odds, they had to get ready for whatever they will face when the competition begins. They two of them were certain that they would fight their way through it and become just like their dad. And of course with Nathan and Harry in he game, they were so ready.
Mr. Ford's home was the paradise every artist desired to be. From the very detailed interior to the various sculptures, and to the frames of marvelous artworks that lay on each wall, every design was made directly by Mr. Ford.
Mr. Ford spent virtually all his life being creative. He admired his two boys for the same spirit they had. He won in various competitions, took many gifts and rewards home, and was famous during his time. They'd make mama proud!
Related Chapters
Four Artists From Another World THE CONTEST CONTRIVE
Harry met up with Sindra and Orcus at the spot where they bought their first Acrylic paint. Harry was on a customized T-shirt that had the write up 'I Sleep At 01'. That should probably be the reason why his eyes looked dull when he met with Nathan. The three set of to the little cottage where 19years old Nathan Hendrix lived alone with Popsicle, his fluffy Chihuahua that Uncle Ford passed on to him on his graduation. Nathan rushed to his door as he heard the bell rang. His friends could tell, he had been sketching ideas that they would use for the upcoming competition. "Come in" Nathan welcomed the three, as they took their places and bumped into their favorite part of the house - the bed where Popsicle was lying soundly. Nathan's bed was so soft that one could literally swim in it. "Coffee?" Nathan rhetorically asked as he brought 3 teacups and presented it to his friends to sip so they won't fall asleep as they always do while having a conversation. Especially Harry. The young
Four Artists From Another World MULTIVERSE OF TROUBLE!
As Harry shoved the door to his home open, he was aback by the scene he stumbled upon. "Whaaaaat???!!! No, no, no, no...." Harry screamed running towards the broken glasses and woods and torn pieces of cloth that lay helplessly on the unkept floor. Tears rolled repeatedly from his eyeballs down to his beautifully rounded cheeks and onto the already soaked piece of canvas. "It can't be....!!!" He wept profusely as he sat helplessly on the floor, his back leaning against the thin air that wasn't enough to hold the young man. At this point, he became unconsciously confused, trying to determine whether it was his heart or his art that has been shred apart. "You will all pay... I'll kill you all..." He screamed as loudly as his mature voice could go after he had successfully gathered the huge amount of remains, and then, dashed towards the direction of his room. Mr. Adam had taken the rest of his family which definitely excluded Harry to Bolton's park in town with his Ferari 250 GTO
Four Artists From Another World DUAL TORPID! MEMORIES FADED!!
"Boys! Getting ready for the competition? It's a few weeks away huh?" Uncle Ford said as his two boys who looked like birds with different colour splashes were quietly applying paint onto their canvasses blindfolded. "What are you up to this time? I see you're painting Jane, Sindra" Uncle Ford said amusingly which caused Sindra to quickly take off his blindfold as well as Orcus. "Ooooohhh.... Sindra c'mon dude. Approach her already. Your connection is stronger than you think you know" Orcus jested his brother who was now looking unusually at the work he just did which indeed portrayed some features of Jane. Like her thick eyebrows, her blue eyeballs and her majestic hair curl which were not clearly visible. "Ugghh... Why can't I concentrate?" Sindra lamented as he reached out to take another piece of canvas and attempted to try again. "Why don't you take a break and join me in the sitting room while I confer you a few tips?" Uncle Ford said to his sons as he smiled his way through
Four Artists From Another World "SUIT YOURSELF HARRY". INDEPENDENCE...
"I'm not your sweetheart and I'm not sitting anywhere. Infact, I'm not having your stupid meal. You know what? Take this..." Harry pulled the shirt and the sneakers he wore on his feet and threw it to the ground right next to his older brother. Then with the shorts he wore and the singlet on his broad looking body, he turned to take his leave when his father stopped him. "Harry, look here young man, it's your choice to make. You're a man now and I will not make choices for you. If you think being an artist and painting for years with those fuckin' brushes of yours, will make you succeed, which of course you never will, then SO BE IT! Have it your way" His father said in attempt to scare the young man showing him the harsh reality of life in just 5 minutes. Then took two steps and sat on a log of wood beside the fire they had set. Harry who was now looking emotionless took two more steps away when his mother called "Harry baby, please, listen to your father. There's a better life for
Four Artists From Another World FAREWELL!
"Dad, about our competition, we will be needing a very massive canvas, since all four of us will take portions in one piece." Sindra informed his father. "I think I know what you need" Father said and went into his art gallery storage followed by his sons. He searched and searched for about 3 minutes when 'aha' he finally found it. His own personal board that has been with him for over 20 years! This one is very very old indeed ."Woah. . . .! This is jumbo man. . . ." The young men exclaimed exitedly. Father brought it down from an old shelve with support from his boys and then blew some concentrated dust out from it. He paused for a bit, smiled as if remembering an old memory, faced his boys again and said.."This..."He said "is the biggest gift I received from the Songbird Art Contest in North America around about 1960. I was the second runner up, and was gifted this." He said proudly. "I kept it safe till today because I had always wanted to show my kids that they can be like
Four Artists From Another World "LITTLE AMANDA SAVED YOUR FATHER"
"Woof.. Woof. ." Popsicle softly barked as Sindra and Orcus emerged into the unlocked door and ran towards them for a cuddle. "Hey Nathan. . . we're home" Orcus called out as Sindra stroked Popsicle a sweet soft cuddle on her hairy fur. Sindra bumped on the bed and stared for a while while Orcus stood at the door entrance looking up, down back and frony like he was investigating the house..."Something wrong dude?" So stood up and asked."Hmm, something doesn't seem too right. ." Orcus could tell from the opened door to the halfway painted art fixed to a stand. He paced forward slowly towards the back door but stumbled on nothing! "Where'd he go?" He thought hardly."Hey Sindra, I can tell something feels wired, I don't know, maybe my instincts. . ." Orcus called out to his brother who was now gently following Popsicle to a lower deck of the house through an old creaky stairs. Orcus trailed quickly as well. Pacing as quietly as he could. "I don't think we should go in there Sindra.
Four Artists From Another World ABOUT TO BEGIN
With eyes filled with tears, Frida asked "So, you mean...you mean. . . Amanda is not my sister?" "Not your biological sister. ." Doctor Stoll answered. "But she was to you more than a sister. . ."Frida could now no longer control her tears as she allowed it pour uncontrollably. "Why then did Dad decided to turn back at her? I mean, she literally just wanted to be an artist. . ." Jane said with one hand on Frida's shoulder. "It was more than that. Amanda fell in love with an art boy over time. She got so caught up in her emotions as she could sacrifice whatever she could for him. The two got so entangled that no one at this point could separate them. Your father was not happy with their relationship. He wanted a wealthier man for his daughter. So, he tried all he could to break ties between him and her. He began to treat the young woman unjustly. He would destroy her artworks and gifts from her lover boy." Doctor Stoll answered. "I'll never forget how Amanda cries every night. It
"Why! This brush feels so.. . . .." "So, unique like the one Van Gogh used. Where'd you get this from?" Sindra cut Harry as he kept massaging the mystry brush with his eyes now covered. "Got it from a store in Town. Okay guys, you're ready?" Nathan uttered. "We're born ready mister..." Orcus replied "Yeah, Ready is my middle name . .." Sindra merrimented waiting for this moment and ready for it. "Here's yours . . . yours and . . .yours" Nathan disputed the opened jars of paint along with pallettes to each of them. "You're all holding different colours in those jars and are standing right in front of the entrance. . . , I mean the canvas." He sighed gracefully. "You can switch colours at anytime. Now remember vividly guys . . ." Nathan now seriously cautioned as he initiated his blindfold as well."Allow your mind to work. We're known for creating amusing pieces, not because of luck or charm, but because we get our minds toiling. Sindra, Orcus, your mom passed away years ago and
Latest Chapter
"Hellu... what?" Where the hell is that? Sindra asked curiously. "Ooohh.." Pippie shrugged. "You do not want to know.." "It's a place where any Arthoran who breaks the rule of the Kingdom are thrown and left to suffer..." "It's also a place where humans are sent if they are caught here in Arthora!" Mia complimented."And so, what happens after they are thrown there?" Harry asked with eagerness. "Anyone who is thrown into Helluva has their safety right on their palm. Down there, you will see things and hear things that torments you!" Mia no looked scared as she continued speaking.."You will come face to face with your greatest fear and you will be tormented by it for days. If you are able to pass the trial, then, the sun has shone upon you. You are indeed lucky, I tell you no one has ever come out alive!""What kind of punishment is that? Doesn't make any sense, literally. In all of this so-called kingdom of yours, punishment has to be there and that way? That's shitty!" Orcus was
As soon as the two fairies got to their house, the door was left open. The four of friends were gone. They both panicked as all sorts of thoughts began to flood through their minds. Have they been caught? Have the Queen heard? Are they in prison, or worse in Helluva?They both sat down on the sofa allowing silence rule over them for some time. "So, what are we going to do now?" Mia broke the silence. "Where could they be? They do not posses wings as a matter of fact, how would they escape the Rons?" "If the Queen or any of her guards sees those creatures, they are doomed! We are doomed!" Pippie lamented with intense fear in her eyes. The house looked scattered like it was robbed. They quickly packed some stuffs up and put them in order. As Mia bent and looked beneath the bed, she spotted a leaf with paint in it. She sniffed it and, Alas! It was from one of the four, they must have dropped it, when painting. "Let's go Pippie, we need to search for those creatures before it's too
"The wolves have been a very big threat to the dear people of Arthora. I keep getting reports of our travellers and gound pickers keeps getting killed. And I feel your pain my dears. I therefore command that no travellers or tourists will be allowed to move without a Ron or a mighty warrior..." Queen Arthora said and sat on her throne that was before the thousands of creatures hanging in mid air. "Now, oh Arthorans will you be given the opportunity to ask your questions. This month, the selected questionnaires should please separate themsleves from the crowd and come forward as you will now be permitted to ask your questions." The secretary announced to the crowd. "Don't go out there and say anything stupid Mia. I know you more than the depths of Helluria..."Pippie scolded Mia, pushing her forward. Mia flew along with other Arthorans but she looked different as she was so prepared for her question. "Greetings oh people of Arthora..... So, I've been wanting to ask oh Queen .......
"Hello handsomes... Still sleepy??" "Arise and shine cause the festival is about to begin......""I think we should let them be. When they wake up, they would locate their way..""Should I repeat that they are new here and cannot be allowed into the Kingdom? Nevertheless, let's take this cute tiny thing along... Haven't seen it nowhere. It looks so cute and fluffy...""Shhhh!!!... Let's go now.... We will awaken these souls. You dropped the scroll?""Sure did. They'd read it when they arise. Alright Queen Avalon... To you we ascend!!.. Hurry up Mia and quit with the admiration... Oooh .. you do not want to be given to the Helluvians." "Oh no! I have told you I forbid such pessimistic statement of yours oh Pippie... I do not want to be chuckled..." "Ooh, so I suppose Ivan now owns the full ordersity to chuckle and flatter you..""Uugghh... Will you quit with the act and fly on? You don't want me to report you to Rons.." *******************"Harry.... Are you there??" Nathan struggl
"Why! This brush feels so.. . . .." "So, unique like the one Van Gogh used. Where'd you get this from?" Sindra cut Harry as he kept massaging the mystry brush with his eyes now covered. "Got it from a store in Town. Okay guys, you're ready?" Nathan uttered. "We're born ready mister..." Orcus replied "Yeah, Ready is my middle name . .." Sindra merrimented waiting for this moment and ready for it. "Here's yours . . . yours and . . .yours" Nathan disputed the opened jars of paint along with pallettes to each of them. "You're all holding different colours in those jars and are standing right in front of the entrance. . . , I mean the canvas." He sighed gracefully. "You can switch colours at anytime. Now remember vividly guys . . ." Nathan now seriously cautioned as he initiated his blindfold as well."Allow your mind to work. We're known for creating amusing pieces, not because of luck or charm, but because we get our minds toiling. Sindra, Orcus, your mom passed away years ago and
With eyes filled with tears, Frida asked "So, you mean...you mean. . . Amanda is not my sister?" "Not your biological sister. ." Doctor Stoll answered. "But she was to you more than a sister. . ."Frida could now no longer control her tears as she allowed it pour uncontrollably. "Why then did Dad decided to turn back at her? I mean, she literally just wanted to be an artist. . ." Jane said with one hand on Frida's shoulder. "It was more than that. Amanda fell in love with an art boy over time. She got so caught up in her emotions as she could sacrifice whatever she could for him. The two got so entangled that no one at this point could separate them. Your father was not happy with their relationship. He wanted a wealthier man for his daughter. So, he tried all he could to break ties between him and her. He began to treat the young woman unjustly. He would destroy her artworks and gifts from her lover boy." Doctor Stoll answered. "I'll never forget how Amanda cries every night. It
"Woof.. Woof. ." Popsicle softly barked as Sindra and Orcus emerged into the unlocked door and ran towards them for a cuddle. "Hey Nathan. . . we're home" Orcus called out as Sindra stroked Popsicle a sweet soft cuddle on her hairy fur. Sindra bumped on the bed and stared for a while while Orcus stood at the door entrance looking up, down back and frony like he was investigating the house..."Something wrong dude?" So stood up and asked."Hmm, something doesn't seem too right. ." Orcus could tell from the opened door to the halfway painted art fixed to a stand. He paced forward slowly towards the back door but stumbled on nothing! "Where'd he go?" He thought hardly."Hey Sindra, I can tell something feels wired, I don't know, maybe my instincts. . ." Orcus called out to his brother who was now gently following Popsicle to a lower deck of the house through an old creaky stairs. Orcus trailed quickly as well. Pacing as quietly as he could. "I don't think we should go in there Sindra.
"Dad, about our competition, we will be needing a very massive canvas, since all four of us will take portions in one piece." Sindra informed his father. "I think I know what you need" Father said and went into his art gallery storage followed by his sons. He searched and searched for about 3 minutes when 'aha' he finally found it. His own personal board that has been with him for over 20 years! This one is very very old indeed ."Woah. . . .! This is jumbo man. . . ." The young men exclaimed exitedly. Father brought it down from an old shelve with support from his boys and then blew some concentrated dust out from it. He paused for a bit, smiled as if remembering an old memory, faced his boys again and said.."This..."He said "is the biggest gift I received from the Songbird Art Contest in North America around about 1960. I was the second runner up, and was gifted this." He said proudly. "I kept it safe till today because I had always wanted to show my kids that they can be like
"I'm not your sweetheart and I'm not sitting anywhere. Infact, I'm not having your stupid meal. You know what? Take this..." Harry pulled the shirt and the sneakers he wore on his feet and threw it to the ground right next to his older brother. Then with the shorts he wore and the singlet on his broad looking body, he turned to take his leave when his father stopped him. "Harry, look here young man, it's your choice to make. You're a man now and I will not make choices for you. If you think being an artist and painting for years with those fuckin' brushes of yours, will make you succeed, which of course you never will, then SO BE IT! Have it your way" His father said in attempt to scare the young man showing him the harsh reality of life in just 5 minutes. Then took two steps and sat on a log of wood beside the fire they had set. Harry who was now looking emotionless took two more steps away when his mother called "Harry baby, please, listen to your father. There's a better life for