Chapter 7

"Brother Franklin! Wake up, Brother! You have to take Vina to school."

After a day full of exhausting activities, Franklin now stretched his body.

He looked towards his younger sister who had woken him up.

"What time is it, Vina?"

Vina widened her smile. "It's half past five, Brother ."

"Why did you wake me up? Your school starts at 7, Vina."

Franklin shook his head.

"Hehe... I also want to say goodbye to Mom first, Brother . With a parent's blessing to their child, everything a child does is believed to go smoothly without any obstacles."

Franklin sighed; his sister would never want to be left behind.

"Alright then. Wait a moment. Let me get ready first."

Franklin left, grabbed his towel, and went to the bathroom.

"In that case, Vina, warm up the food Brother  bought last night. So, we can have breakfast together, okay?"

Franklin cleared his throat briefly from the bathroom.

About 10 minutes later, Franklin was now dressed neatly in his courier uniform.

"Let's go, Brother ! Let's have breakfast."

Franklin smiled, feeling a slight pang in his heart realizing that his sister had to take care of everything at her age, which should have been pampered.

"Thank you, Vina. I wouldn't know what to do without you being such a strong girl."

Vina nodded proudly, "Of course! Whose sister am I? I'm Brother  Franklin's sister!"

Franklin chuckled softly, tousling his sister's hair gently.

After breakfast together, Franklin and Vina hurried to the hospital first, as requested by the girl.

"Slow down, Vina. You might trip."

Franklin reminded his sister, while she just flashed a wide grin.

"Okay, Brother . I just can't wait to see Mom."

Vina then rushed to open their mother's room door. Luckily, their mother was already awake.

"Mom!" Vina exclaimed, calling out to her mother.

The middle-aged woman welcomed her daughter's hug.

"Mom, how are you? Are you feeling better?" Vina asked, hugging her mother tightly.

"Sure, Dear., you look so beautiful, my child. Have you had breakfast, dear?" Vina nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Mom. Last night there were leftover vegetables that Brother Franklin bought. So, I heated it up again for breakfast for both Vina and Brother Franklin. Did you eat, Mom?" Vina asked, gazing at her mother intently.

"Yes, dear. As usual, the nurse brought porridge for me."

Vina nodded. Franklin looked guilty, feeling like a failed son. Especially seeing his mother lying in a hospital room that was less than ideal. If only Franklin could provide the most comfortable bed for his parents.

“Franklin? How long are you going to stay there?" his mother asked, looking at him.

Realizing he was being called, Franklin quickly walked over to her.

"Yes, Mom? I'm sorry, Mom."

Franklin held his mother's hand. "Don't blame yourself for anything anymore. Mom, you should feel lucky to have such a devoted child like you."

As if reading Franklin's mind, his mother stretched out her arms, asking both of her children to hug her.

"Well then, when you come back from school, Vina, make sure to visit me again, Mom. Now, Vina has to go to school."

Vina straightened up, bidding farewell to her mother.

This was followed by Franklin, who also said goodbye to his mother. "I'm off to work now, Mom. Take care of yourself here. Take care of your health."

They both left, leaving their mother alone in the hospital.

After dropping off his sister, Franklin immediately drove to his office.

A wide smile now adorned Franklin's lips. However, no matter what, a good day would continue as long as a smile graced his face to start it off.

Franklin hurriedly parked his motorcycle. He was about a minute late.

"Good morning, Sir!"

Franklin immediately faced his boss, briefly bowing his head as a sign of respect.

"I actually wanted to express my displeasure with you. But considering your progress, I'll still appreciate that one-minute delay," his boss said.

Franklin flashed a small smile at the corner of his lips.

"Thank you, Mr. Tio. I'll make sure to be more punctual in the future."

Franklin was happy that he could finally start his workday without being marked as late. Perhaps today was his lucky day after a series of misfortunes yesterday.

"Alright. You can head straight to the warehouse to pick up your packages. Everything is sorted out there according to your sections," his colleague Gio said.

Franklin smiled and walked towards the designated area to collect his packages.

"Good morning, Brother Gio!" Franklin greeted cheerfully.

Gio furrowed his brows, not used to seeing Franklin in such high spirits. "Wow, you seem unusually enthusiastic today,Franklin  What's up?"

"Hehe... I should be like this, right, Brother ? So, which packages are mine?" Franklin replied.

Gio pointed to the area where Franklin's packages were kept. "Alright. Thanks, Brother . I'll get going then. See you later!" Franklin said, putting his helmet back on and taking a deep breath.

"I have to stay positive. Today is my lucky and best day," Franklin thought to himself as he rode his motorcycle, heading to deliver packages to various addresses, some of which were quite far.

Nevertheless, Franklin remained enthusiastic. Some customers were satisfied with his delivery service and even gave him extra money.

"Thank you, God. All of this is because of you," Franklin silently prayed in his heart. He then continued to deliver his last package, which was conveniently close by.


He noticed a woman waving at him. "Are you here for Laura?"

Franklin nodded and got off his motorcycle, handing her the last package and taking a photo as proof of delivery. "Okay, it's done," he said.

"Wait a minute, Sir," the woman said, handing him a twenty-thousand rupiah bill.

"No need, Miss. Your location is close to my office, so it's not necessary," Franklin refused politely, but the woman insisted.

"Just consider it a blessing. Blessings shouldn't be refused," she said.

Reluctantly, Franklin accepted the money.

After dealing with the woman, Franklin stretched his body, glad that his work was done. Now, he just needed to return to the office to submit his delivery report. If there were more packages, he would deliver them later.

But before he could get on his motorcycle, he received a message on his phone. "Mr. Tio?" Franklin murmured to himself as he answered the call.

His boss asked him to come to the office immediately. Franklin hurriedly made his way there and went straight to his boss's office.

"Excuse me, Mr. Tio. Did you call for me? What's the matter?" Franklin asked politely.

It turned out that his boss had a package in his hand. "So, Franklin, yesterday, if I'm not mistaken, you delivered a package for someone named Clara, right? Well, it happens that there's another package for the same person and the same delivery address. Could you please deliver it to her?"

Despite wanting to refuse, Franklin felt like he didn't have the right to say no. Reluctantly, he accepted the task.

"But, Sir...," Franklin tried to object.

"Thank you, Franklin. I'm pleased with your remarkable progress," his boss said, cutting him off.

Franklin could only nod his head. Seeing the package with Clara's name on it stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within him. There were so many concerns swirling in his mind right now.

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