Before lunch, news of Tedmond accepting Kyle’s challenge had spread throughout the school. Everyone was talking about it, and it even reached the ears of his ex-girlfriend. She and his former siblings were eagerly anticipating the event.

They were seated in the cafeteria since it was lunchtime but not yet 2 PM.

“That bastard is going to show us how useless he is again,” Max sneered, gesturing with his hand and smirking. “He doesn’t even have great stamina, let alone the ability to win.”

Maxine chuckled. “He’s always been stupid. I’ll make another video of his embarrassment for my vlog.”

Lisa had the brightest smile on her face. “I’m so glad I chose you, Max,” she purred. “He was such a pain in the ass.”

Just then, Tedmond walked past them, catching the attention of many, including Lisa. The moment she saw him, a disgusted look appeared on her face.

‘Why is he so neatly dressed?’ she thought, scanning him from head to toe and noticing his new clothes and shoes. ‘Where did he get the money to buy those?’

Everyone else began to murmur, making sure that no empty seats were near them.

Tedmond paid no attention to the whispers and headed towards a group of four males sitting at a table. It was thirty minutes before 2 PM, and he still hadn’t formed his team.

When he reached the table, the four males, all dressed in nerdy outfits with large glasses, looked isolated from the others, like a bunch of nerds forced to do assignments for their classmates.

“Hello,” Tedmond said.

His voice drew their attention, and they looked up at him, their eyes widening in surprise.

“Oh, hello,” one of them replied, nervously fiddling with the bottle of water in his hands.

“Can I sit?” Tedmond asked.

“Sure!” they all chimed in unison, as if they’d been waiting for him to ask.

Tedmond knew all four of them from high school, though they hadn’t spoken much. Now, they were all freshmen at the same college. The four had been best friends since childhood and had never separated.

“Are you here to ask us to be your teammates for the basketball match?” Liam asked, the one who had first replied.

“If that’s the case,” Noah chimed in before Tedmond could respond, “then yes.”

“Definitely yes,” Oliver, the third one, added.

“Count me in,” James, the fourth one, said. “Do you know how long we’ve wanted you on our team?”

A smile crossed Tedmond’s face. He had approached them for that exact reason. These four were the best players on their high school basketball team. Even though it was a community school, they had won a few medals, though they weren’t very well-known.

They had seen Tedmond play basketball once and had asked him to join their team, but he had declined because he needed to work part-time to afford college.

“That’s exactly why I’m here,” Tedmond confirmed. “I’m surprised you agreed, considering I turned you down years ago.”

“That was nothing,” Liam said. “We’re more than happy to team up with you.”

“Thanks for reaching out,” Oliver added.

“We’re really glad,” Noah chimed in.

“We’ll be there by 2 PM,” James said. “We’ll make sure that rich kid eats his words. He called us losers, but he’ll regret it.”

Tedmond felt a bit out of place, considering he was now part of the “rich kids” group. “Thanks. I’ll see you on the court.” With that, he rose and left the cafeteria, leaving smiles on the faces of his new teammates.

“This is your chance to get the necklace,” Max told Lisa, frowning at the fact that there were still people willing to talk to Tedmond. “Make sure you get it from him.”

As Tedmond walked past, Lisa followed right after. Sensing that he was being followed, Tedmond changed course and headed toward the men’s restroom instead of his class as originally planned.

Seeing his direction, Lisa called out to him.

“Ted!” she yelled, running after him and blocking his path.

He glared down at her, raising an eyebrow, waiting for her to try and manipulate him like she had so many times before.

“Stop walking,” she said.

“What do you want, sister-in-law?” he asked, intentionally using the title to mock her.

Her eyes flickered with fake concern. “I was wondering where you slept last night,” she began. “I had no idea you’d been thrown out like that. If you need a place, you can stay at my old apartment. I’ll help you, out of the love we once shared. I know you still love me, so I’ll let you stay there until the rent I paid runs out.”

His glare intensified. “I don’t need your fake help.” He tried to walk past her, but she grabbed his arm.

“Stop being stubborn!” she shouted, her patience wearing thin. “You dared to accept Kyle’s challenge! Aren’t you terrified of being a slave for the rest of your life? I’m trying to help you, and you still won’t listen. This is why I left you.”

He pulled his arm free, fists clenching. Just yesterday, she’d said she left him because he was too poor, but now she was blaming his stubbornness.

“What I do with my life is none of your business!” he snapped. “Don’t ever talk to me again.”

Her teeth clenched. If it weren’t for the necklace, she wouldn’t have bothered clinging to him like this. But she hid her frustration. If she could get that necklace, she would be fully acknowledged by the Griffin family.

“If you don’t want the apartment, how about giving me something to remember you by?” she suggested. “Something I can wear all the time, like a necklace.”

She was trying to use his past feelings for her to get the necklace, but all he felt looking at her now was disgust. It made him wonder why he had ever liked her.

Just then, three males walked out of the restroom, and Tedmond smirked. “Why would a married woman want to remember her ex? Do you still want me as your boyfriend, even though you’re married to my brother?” he asked loudly, catching the attention of the other guys.

Lisa bit her lip. “Of course n...”

“Look behind you,” Tedmond said, cutting her off. “Don’t you dare speak to me again or call me ‘Ted.’ You’re not qualified to call me that. And tell Max that whatever he wants, he’ll never get.”

She glanced back, and the blood drained from her face when she saw the group of males. Tedmond took the opportunity to leave, while she scrambled to explain herself, trying to prevent any rumors from spreading.

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