The perfect ending

Aurellie bit her lip. "Anrez is not like that?"


"I can't ask you to reconcile with Luke." Aurellie let go of Anrez's embrace.

"Why can't you ask me?"

Aurellie looked down. “You guys must have your reasons. I don't want to make things difficult for you."

“You know that you are very important to me, right? I'm willing to drop my pride in front of Luke to ask you. Do you want to see me do it now?”

Aurellie shook her head. “Anrez, don't, please!”

"Honestly, he led me to meet you." Anrez stroked Aurellie's cheek. Aurellie stared at Anrez in disbelief. The man nodded his head reassuringly to Aurelie.

"how could that be?" Aurellie asked, not understanding Luke's thoughts. Anrez shrugged his shoulders.

"The proof he sent me a message where you are." Anrez showed Aurellie his cellphone. "So, are you willing to come back to me?"

“Oh, Anrez?” Aurellie said covering her mouth.

“Oh dear, you have confused me. Come on, explain what that means oh, that Anrez?” clicked Anrez. "Let's say it clea
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