caroline's boyfriend

Luke almost swore. "Are you with me huh? Five years ago, Caroline also didn't want to show her bare face. Stop acting and open the door because Anrez doesn't care whether you're ugly or beautiful. Do you intend to get back in touch with him?” growled Luke nearly kicking the door. "Aurellie, if you still don't move, I'll make sure I call your parents."

"Let me arrange my body for a moment," said Aurellie. After that, Aurellie left the room and showed her face to Luke. Luke exhaled.

"Fifteen minutes," said the man. Aurellie nodded her head.


"Hey. Caroline, I heard you had a boyfriend but never showed it to us. Were you just lying all this time?” Donna spoke to him as they made their way home to meet in the elevator. Caroline raised her eyebrows.

"I am not lying. He's busy."

"Oh yes? What are you busy with?” Donna asked doubting Caroline's words.


Donna laughed. "Surely he's an unsuccessful jobless man."

"No. He's a famous musician."

Donna showed a sneer even more. "You're a
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