05. Home.

As Van made his way back to the house, he discovered that his mother had gone out to the gate to look around for him because she was worried that something might have happened to him. As soon as she saw spotted him on his way back, she immediately walked over with a worried face and held his hand while asking hurriedly, “Are you alright, dear? They didn’t hurt you, did they?” She examined his body, checking everywhere to see if he was hurt.

Van felt his heart grow warm and he smiled at his mother, who was standing a feet shorter than he was. “Don’t worry, Mom. They didn’t hurt me. I took them to an ATM and withdrew the balance for them. They won’t be bothering us anymore for money.”

“Really?" She exclaimed, then asked. "You’re not lying to me, are you? Where did you even get such a huge amount of money? We're talking about more than a hundred thousand!” She was having a hard time believing that her son had that amount of money with him, especially since he had just been released from prison.

"Mom, please calm down. Like I said earlier, I'm not engaged in any illegal business. I got this money thanks to someone kind I met while I was in prison. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. He gave me this credit card when I was released because he wanted to help me." Van explained, handing his mother the card. "With this card, I'll be able to pay off any debt you might have owed."

Van didn't want to lie to his mother about the card, but what could he say? He received a medal and a doctor's licence for saving the president, and even got ten years cut off from his sentence. But he was supposed to keep it confidential. And in a way, the mad grandpa was the reason he was able to get out early.

If the old man hadn't passed down his knowledge of medicine to him, there was no way that Van would have been able to make that antidote.

“Is that so? Wow, that's a relief! I hope this kind man is blessed greatly for his kindness.” She was filled with joy when he heard the explanation her son gave. "When you can, Van, make sure you repay his kindness in the future." She adviced.

“Yes, Mom, I will!” Van smiled at his mother. "You know mom, now that I'm out of prison, I'm going to make sure I give you a good life. I'm going to make up for all those time you spent working hard all by yourself." He promised.

“Oh don't worry about me dear. I am glad that you got out early, but I don't need you to do anything for me. It's you I'm concerned about.

I want you to make good use of this second chance that you have been given. Try to get a job so you can come back to your feet. If you do that, then I'm going to have a good life as well." She took Van's hand and stared into his eyes. "I'm sorry Bianca turned out to be a bad person, I really wanted you two to live happily together."

Van noticed a look of sadness and sympathy in her eyes as she stared at him.

"It's fine mom, I'm glad I got to know the kind of person she is before we got married."

"I'm really sorry dear. I couldn't protect your house, and now that your back after all these years, I can't even provide anything for you.

My baby is now twenty seven years old. I'm so sorry for all the birthdays you had to spend in prison. I can't even imagine what would have happened if you were given your full sentence. You would be close to forty by then and-" her voice croaked and she had years in her eyes.

If Van had been gone the whole fifteen years, there was a huge possiblity that his mother would have died before his return. She was working so hard and didn't have adequate medical attention, and fifteen years was a long period for a woman like her to live alone.

"Mom," he placed both hands on her shoulder, smiling down at her. "I'm back now, still pretty young, and very handsome. You don't have to worry, I'll get my life back on track before you even know it."

"But I want you to remarry too! I doubt many ladies would be willing to get married to….well…"

…To an ex convict. He knew what his mother was worried about.

“What are you talking about? Mom, look at me, can't you see how handsome I am? Women would be lining up just to go out with me." He said with a smile.

"Just you wait, I'm going to get some new clothes, get a proper haircut and even you won't recognize me anymore."

While he was in prison, Van only got a hair cut three times, so his hair had grown, so long that it was resting on his shoulders.

"Mom, I'm starving. What do you have to eat?" He wanted to change the subject, but he also needed food.

"Right, of course dear. Why don't we head inside? You can have your bath while I run out and get you something cold to drink." She urged him inside and rushed back out.

Van didn't have anything to change into, so he had to put on his old clothes after his bath. A while later, his mother returned with two cans of coke and two plates of instant noodles.

The package the delivery woman had dropped earlier was soup made from vegatebles, and it had two small pieces of chicken.

His mother explained to him that every three days, the delivery woman would stop by to give her a free packed meal because she sometimes part timed at their restaurant.

Van was happy to be back, he had finally been given the chance to give his mother a good life.

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