11. A Golden Card?!

"Emigrand?" Van knew his eyes widened when she said that, but he easily covered it up with a nonchalant smirk. "Never heard of it."

"What! How dare you?!"

The two guards advanced towards Van, a menacing look in their eyes. The people around started to back away, even the manager stepped backwards, not wanting to get tangled in the issue.

"You've got some nerve asshole, laying your filthy hand on our boss's wife. Well I'm going to make you regret it" He lunged at Van, fist first, hoping to land a blow to his face but Van easily dodged his attack.

He countered it with a low kick to the knees and the guard dropped to the ground.

The second guard launched a high kick aimed at Van's chest but he ducked low and punched him at the side, breaking a rib as his fist came in contact with his body.

The guard cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, clutching on to his side.

"Why you!" The first guard-already back on his feet- lunged himself at Van, grabbing hold of his waist in an attempt
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