Just one condition -

The soft morning light gently streamed through the opulent curtains, enveloping the lavish furnishings in a cozy, golden hue. Perched on the edge of my bed, I compared my outdated phone to the sleek, new one I had gotten the day before. The contrast was striking - a representation of the two realms I was now connecting.

As I got ready for the day, Miranda showed up right on time, exuding her usual air of authority. "Good morning, Ethan," she greeted, her tone professional. "Shall we talk about what you'll be wearing for today's meeting? You need to appear flawless.”

Still getting used to the maze-like hallways, I followed her around the mansion. It felt like I was in a dream with all the luxurious carpeting and elaborate decor.

We stepped into a room brimming with clothes, as she started picking out her favorite pieces. "This suit," she exclaimed, showcasing a navy blue ensemble, "exudes an air of self-assurance and understated elegance. This is ideal for today's meeting.”

I nodded a
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