
Sleep, a sweet escape I desperately craved, remained elusive. Zephyr's chilling laughter echoed in the recesses of my mind, a discordant note against the symphony of the city outside my window. The weight of her words, the revelation that she'd known about the Spark Library plans all along, pressed down on me like a suffocating shroud.

Defeat gnawed at me, a bitter counterpoint to the initial spark of rebellion that had fueled our resistance. Were we pawns, forever dancing to Zephyr's tune? The melody of hope that had played within me since the city's web of information began to tighten had sputtered and died, replaced by a suffocating silence.

Just as despair threatened to engulf me, a gentle sound stirred me from my thoughts. Turning my head, I saw Maya silhouetted against the window, lost in thought. Though it wasn't a knock, her presence there spoke volumes. She wasn't leaving, not tonight. A flicker of warmth, a counterpoint to the cold dread, ignited within me.

"You're still her
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