Chapter Eighty One

Packing their meager belongings, they said goodbye to the tribesmen, their gratitude heavy in the air. With Rith as their guide, they embarked on a new journey, this time towards the bustling, chaotic world hidden within the heart of the Cambodian wilderness.

The journey was arduous, filled with scorching sun, relentless mosquitos, and the ever-present fear of unseen dangers lurking in the dense undergrowth. Yet, they persevered, fueled by the unwavering determination to find Jason.

After days of grueling travel, they reached the outskirts of a sprawling town. The air buzzed with activity as vendors hawked their wares, children darted between bustling crowds, and a cacophony of languages filled the air. Rith led them through labyrinthine alleyways, past ramshackle buildings adorned with peeling paint and overflowing with exotic goods.

Finally, they arrived at a discreet tavern, its entrance marked by a faded lantern swinging gently in the breeze. Inside, a motley crew of individual
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