--The world of Nights' Fury has a unique magic system, where magic is powered by three different resources: Mana, Pure Power, and Demonic Energy.
-Mana is the most commonly found magic resource and is represented by blue-colored magical energy. The amount of Mana an individual has varies, with a larger supply being more beneficial. When a person's Mana reaches 0, there can be negative consequences such as paralysis, a weakened magical stock, or even a permanent loss of magic.
-Enhanced Mana is similar to Mana but is a smaller stronger amount of energy that enables the user to unlock top-tier abilities of his element. When used in combat, enhanced Mana overwhelms the battlefield, being sensed and feared by most of the fighters.
-Pure Power is a highly condensed white-colored magical energy that is more powerful than Mana. Those who use Pure Power often have a limited supply, but the longer they fight and use their weapons, the more their Pure Power elevates. This resource enables the user to cast powerful spells that may take time to cast, and the user can't run out of Pure Power. And Pure Power wielders usually have rare and impressive magic elements.
-Demonic Energy is a light black-colored energy that is exclusive to demons or demon hosts (those who possess demons inside them). The energy overflows from the body of the owner, revealing their demon powers. However, Demonic Energy is a tricky resource as it grows by slowly absorbing from Mana and Pure Power. Demons can simply fall asleep when their Demonic Energy reaches 0, while demon hosts typically have a second magic resource, allowing them to have a significant advantage over others. It is worth noting that one cannot use both resources at the same time.
--In the world of Nights' Fury, magic energy permeates all aspects of life, from plants and inanimate objects to humans and animals. It is considered the very essence of existence.
--The world of Nights' Fury is divided into three dimensions: the Human Realm, the Blasted Lands, and the World's Fury realm.
-The Human Realm is inhabited primarily by humans, who primarily possess Mana or Pure Power.
-The Blasted Lands is a dangerous dimension that is home to demons. Only demons can safely enter this realm, as humans who enter will experience immense pain and eventually die.
-The World's Fury realm is a dimension that appears during the Nights' Fury and is technically a part of the Human Realm. However, it vanished and now has a higher concentration of magical energy and is full of danger and challenges that are nearly impossible to overcome. Surviving in the World's Fury realm is often considered a miracle.
--Every element has a powerful magic spirit, which is the embodiment of the element's magic energy. These spirits take the form of an animal or mythical creature and can be hosted by individuals.
--Power runes are mid-sized crystals that contain a rune symbolizing an element. When a demon dies, it leaves behind a power rune of its corresponding element, which can be used to enhance spells or harvested for its magic energy. However, only certain individuals are eligible to be chosen by a power rune. For example, those who are hosts of magic spirits or demons are not eligible. while Mana users have a high chance of being chosen and Pure Power users have a low chance. A power rune can be taken forcibly from its owner, but it will only be transferred if the owner is deceased or if the power rune chooses to do so. In areas with high concentrations of magic energy, power runes may take on the form of a beast.
--The Emerald of the Soul: It's a fragment located within the soul of a living being, symbolizing their will to survive. When threatened, the Emerald can trigger one of three dangerous consequences:
-A cursed sleep from which awakening is near impossible. In this state, one is tormented by their worst fears and nightmares, with death being the only escape from this perpetual nightmare.
-For demon hosts, a surge of demonic energy can lead to a gradual loss of their humanity and eventual transformation into a demon. To prevent this outcome, one must use the Grail of Miracles to make a wish and preserve humanity.
-When the Emerald shatters and its green hue begins to fade, the owner loses the ability to express their emotions, trapping them within their body. A cure for this condition remains unknown.
--Unique skills: Unique skills are techniques that are not available to everyone. These abilities are not related to an individual's elemental affinity, but rather a result of possessing an exceptional amount of magical energy. Some examples of exceptional abilities include telepathy, teleportation, levitation, and various forms of curses.
--Stats: They play a crucial role in determining the classification of an individual and can range from S-tier, A-tier, B-tier, C-tier, or non-existent:
-Speed: This stat determines one's velocity in running, flying, swimming, jumping, etc.
-Stamina: This stat gauges one's raw physical power, including their capacity for lifting weight and enduring damage.
-BIQ (Battle Intelligence Quantity): This stat influences a fighter's reflexes and their ability to think critically in high-pressure situations.
-Agility: This stat determines the speed of spell casting, attacking, dodging, and overall mobility in combat.
-Power Resource Stock: This stat represents the amount of magical energy an individual possesses, ranging from a plentiful supply to a limited supply.
-Blessing Power: This stat reflects one's ability to cast healing spells and protect their allies with protective shields, and other such techniques.
-Intellect: The higher one's intellect, the more powerful their ranged spells become and the greater their capacity to cast spells from a distance.
--Classification: Based on the different statistics, a person's class can be determined. No two people are likely to have the same stats, even with reincarnation. The following are the main classes a person can belong to based on their statistics:
-Casters: With high intellect and battle intelligence, casters use magic to cast powerful spells from a distance, providing significant support to their allies in battle. They have the largest reserves of power resources.
-Healers: With strong intellect, battle intelligence, and blessing power, healers can heal wounds, protect allies, and enhance their abilities with powerful spells.
-Hunters: Usually fighting from a distance, hunters have high agility, intellect, and occasionally strength, making them versatile and effective in battle.
-Fighters: Acting as the front line in battles, fighters have exceptional stamina, allowing them to withstand significant damage and a good balance of speed and battle intelligence.
-Assassins: Assassins rely primarily on stealth, poisons, and speed. They possess exceptional speed, agility, and battle intelligence, but their stamina is not their strongest attribute. They rely on their ability to dodge and trick their opponents to win battles.
--Power levels: Power level is a metric that reflects the strength of an individual. It can be increased through the use of spells or potions that boost one's stats. When a person with an extremely high power level is present and releases their full power, it can create a suffocating and intimidating atmosphere for those around them.
--Sacred Weapons: Sacred weapons are gifts from the gods, imbued with unique and specific abilities known as sacred techniques. If a sacred weapon is broken, the magic energy it contained transfers to its owner. While others may be able to wield a sacred weapon, they cannot access its sacred technique unless you are its owner.
-Perfect Control Weapons: These weapons can be summoned or dematerialized at will by their owner, allowing them to keep them in an invisible spiritual form for convenience.
-Imperfect Control Weapons: Unfortunately, these weapons cannot be dismissed and must be physically carried, which can be cumbersome for heavy weapons like hammers or great swords.
--There are, mainly, four kingdoms in the human realm, each represented by an element: Fire Kingdom, Water Kingdom, Frost Kingdom, and Volcano Kingdom.
(Nothing serious here, just the author homing that the reader would look forward to this story ^^)
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40- Long Time No See
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