I feel like punching your face Tobi" Esther said. "Hehehehehe, you can't punch the great samurai sama. Son of Odin great Thor of thunder". The duo blocks their ears with their fingers and said " When you done with your gerbberish. Let's go fight a monster tree". Tommy fully recovered swings his red saber sword and instantly the web melted and Tobi falls on the floor. "Ouch! Can't you be more gentle. I think I will need a saber sword like yours, it might come handling" "Yayayah! Let's go" the trio retrace their foot steps back to the maze tree. Tommy carries Esther on his back and he skates away. TREEGONOMETREE BOSS MONSTER The trio's walked climbing stone walls several meters away from maze and passed through hidden alley corners. It took then twenty minutes to retrace the location of the maze that constantly kept changing. At some point as they cross the glades. They melt monsterous monsters on the way which they have to fight but the due to the massive improvement in skills. T
The smoke screen soon covers tommy hidden and in visible from sight of the monster while skating through the cobble floor aimed for the players. The monster bat swings down crashing stone stair cases violently and any building structures close to it. Stone and building rumbles ascending to the air accompanied by force from the bat crashing everywhere. The monster swings down violently like a human trying to kill a rat hoping to kill something but no sign of life. She stood and felt a presence behind him. "Hey! Asshole" shouted Tommy. The tree about to turn his full body however Tommy holding a red hot saber swings it accompanied by share amount of force. The saber slice the tree catching a vine branch and roots on flame melting the tree branch. AaaaHAAAAH! YOU LITTLE WORM the tree Monster turns her body swinging simotanously down again crashing buildings and temple close by from it's swings however a smoke screen burst into the sky and Tommy was off sight. The tree notice the saber
Tommy spots Natasha Romanoff embedded into the tree. He quickly scale through to vines and roots to meet Natasha. He swings his saber blade cutting the branch holding Romanoff. She falls to the ground asleep in an infinite dream. "Wake up! Wake up!" Romanoff sitting as a little girl with her father in Russian. Her father, a military Russian soldier teaching her about guns and wars however she waved bye bye to her father and that was the last time she ever heard from him. She sees her father stretch his hand towards her screaming."Wake up wake up Natasha! Romanoff" she stretched her arms up pulled by Tommy. She breaths panting heavily. She looks around and she sees, she is under a cave of trees vines and root with Players hung by the vined."How did I?" She tried to remember her last memories before she blanked out however Tommy said to her."We don't have time now. I will explain all later but now we have to save the others. There is no more time" she nods her head standing to her fe
Esther's burning flaming sword strikes the air volcanically scorching the approaching tree roots, branches out of existence and the vines be consumed by her flames descending the air crashing the sword down at the tree. The tree monster looking at a volcanic hot flame scorching her branches Swifty coming towards her main tree body. She swiftly wraps her body with several thick layers of roots to protect her body from the flame using her magic points as support.. The tree branches, vines and roots is instantly burnt cut shorts to the head with the tree branches catching on fire but the tree was not affected due to the protection of the several root vines wrapped rapidly around her body. It screams with a loud roaring of pain and her Hp drops significantly to red however TREEGONOMETREE pressed further into the ground reaching for players not yet recovered by Meng and her team and she begins to regain her HP bar from red to yellow. While recovery began, the roots, branches and her
An electrostatic charge separated the positive from the negative creating an electric fleid around him. His energy cackled with energy as it swirled turning into a white lights moving through his body at the speed of light. [GODSPEED-THUNDERING LIGHTNING FLASH] Tobi squeezed his eyes open lit up with power unleashed. Boom Lightning sparkled around him as his speed increases tenfold. The world around him seemly moves in slow motion as the head of the adversary, Tree Monster grew closer and closer every mill second. His body barely being visible. TREEGONOMETREE sees a blinding flash thundering star light heading towards her. She shoots all her thorn roots and tree branch thorn into the cloud ascending towards the star thundering light sky. Tobi flew while the thorns kept thrusting into the sky in high speed. Tobi manuovers easily escaping the thorns shot at him. He combined his angel wings and his ability with thunder flashing and the thorn vines seem to be slower in front of him
Carol and few other players walked beside them to inspect it but they where confused. "These exactly as you have predicted it will be. It's really like a game of chess". Said Tobi "What do you mean?' Question Carol the famous gamer "Exactly, if you look at it. The door has eight keys to insert on the door tablets then rotate the keys to open the door out of this section of the maze. The key we are looking for has knight, Bishop, Rook , queen, king, bishop,knight and rook. We need to insert these keys to open the door". "Ok! That solve half the headache but how do we find these keys?" Question Brokeman, Carol's partner and side kick- a tall huge man walking towards them. He has a broad shoulders on light blue heavy armor. His has spikes jolting out it armored to the teeth. He has pale skin with blue eyes and brown hair. "Well, lucky enough while we where fighting against monsters called sentient I believed you guys have yet to see. We defeated three of these monsters. The knight ,b
The players walking in the temple soon enter a cave like tunnel with different routes which further lead to other cave tunnels. The players was stunned when a monsterous voice echos through them. Tommy looking at the players and Carol speaks. "I think we should split up forces so we can cover more grounds" "Right, if we split up then we can cover more grounds. If the queen is somewhere with in the cave then we will meet at a certain point". Tommy agrees The players begins to split into groups, some followed carol, some follows broady the brokeman, others meng and Tommy. They walked deeper into the cave and the light behind them began to fade into darkness as they walk further into a dark rocky cave in massive groups. Players with light and fire elements brightened their parts as they gave directions to tommy's team till they reach a dungeon cave with different tunnels with different colored glowing crystals shinning brightly giving lights into the cave. They were amazed by these glo
The eagle of intelligence swings at the same time and the duo begins to exchange attacks. Tobi release his wings like drone at him and cortious release his sword blades towards tobi. " Tobi in front of you" screams romanoff. " Now I have caught you" cortious said as he release all his blade towards tobi however tobi suddenly vanishes with thunder rattling in the air." What? Where did the hell did he go?" Cortious said with his eyes widenes however tobi vanishes appearing in front of him simotanously swinging his sword horizontally. His sword sliced through cortious neck detaching it from his body." Bastard! Cortious" shouted as his head rolls mid air. The trio injured breath heavily with a sign of relief. They descended down on top the Typhoon's body and Tommy looking at tobi covered in his own blood. He quickly, use his magic to heal him." Rest up because of any minute from now. The war would begin" tommy turns his face looking in front of him. He sees the enemy coming in lar
The dog looking at the colossal flaming giant looking like a god. He begins to take steps back in fear and barks out violently at kelivn walking towards it. Kelivn walked up to him and slams his foot into the air. The dog encourage it's self and ran forward towards kelivn however a slamming kick from kelvin sends it flying into the air several distance away from him. The dogs scrambled on the floor stands on its feet. It opens it's mouth and blasted fire at kelivn however he walked towards the dog"You foolish dog, I am made of fire" kelivn lifts his leg into the air and rammed it force-ly down at the monster. It's leg rammed on the head of the monster slamming it on the ground. Kelivn pinned the monster with his right hand on the ground and used his left hand to Continueous-ly barge against the flaming dog till it's was dead.Ricky posing for an attack and suddenly the cerburus lion roars loudly and runs forward after him. Running several distance and it jumps into the air simotano
Along with their individual army, they moved forward in anger ready to destroy and pounce on their enemy." I will go ahead first and attack the enemy commander. He sees to interest me" rhinosuar with a tattoo number ten said as he begins to move forward. He was colossal having a towering pointed horn on top his head. His legs like elephant and his arms to his hand are like hulk with humanoid body build. His eyes glow in red and his body jolted scales and horns around his body." I will attack those on the typhoon's body. My army of bones and I will be the first to defeat them" a quirky creature with his body to his head made of skeletal bones of rip cage up to his head. His head like worn hole made of humans bones with a giant red rounded eye on it. It begins to move climbing the walls up to the rocky roof. It has number nine on its body.The creatures and his centipede like body and his Monsters begins to crawl swiftly after the team in large massive numbers of an army." This will
Constant vibration echo's out violently with wide wind. They gritted their teeths and pose like a cat with their foot scratching against the ground. Ricky thud the ground while holding his giant axe ready for a battle of his life."It seems they can split into several parts from the looks of it. We need be careful not to further split them again. cutting them won't work against them" the Cerberus dog looking at them suddenly opens his mouth and fires out a strip of fire into the open air aimed for the typhoon's and instantly fires out into the open air.Tobi swings his sword horizontally into the air after the eagle of intelligence. He thrust his arrow wings into after him however the eagle of intelligence let loose of his bladed wings countering the attack." You think because you have wings. You are in comparison with my great might and splendor. I the mighty elder of Chronos, son of Gaia compare In strength with chronos and mighty zeus"" You mean falling Zeus!" Tobi cuts in" Ins
A rain for black Arrows descended from the air thrusting through the entire clone and on top the real body of hawks."Hahahaha, this won't work on me" hawks speaks pulling the flaming arrow from his body however the black Flames begins to spread across his body." What the hell is this?" Hawks eyes widenes. He tries to stop the flames from burning through his body however it creeps into his bones and skull." Noooo, what the hell?" The eagle of intelligence flying sees hawks been burnt up in flame. Hawks stretched his hand trying to reach for his father however before his father could get to him. The black flame consumes his entire body into a pile of Ashe dust scattered in the air." Noooo, noooo, noooo" the eagle of intelligence begins to cry out. He felt angry and he turns head to look and he sees Esther holding a bow of arrow with black FLAMES on it." It was you. Bastard, you did this. I will kill you" kindle in anger and his body along his wings engulfs in a glowing colourful fl
Thousands of hawks army thrust their wings like arrow into the air. It rains like barrage of heavy water droplets down on the tommy and his army however Luca's barrier had shield them against the attack. Tommy Swiftly stretched his hand and Athena appears into the scene. She stretched her hand simotanously with tommy and numberous amount of red spears thrust the air at the army of hawks.Thrusting and killing them one at a time however just by a slam of hawks palm and more numberous army clone of his reflection were created. Meng rotating her body inside her hurricane of blades and she thrusts at them. Hawks army release their wing arrows at Meng however she creates a shield of swords. Suddenly, a clone of hawks appears in front of her aiming a cone shape looking gun. Ready to fire at her and Meng thrust her blade into the her at him. It thrust through his body and it suddenly explodes into a colossal bomb lifting Meng into the air. Swiftly Luca pulls his golden chains straps arou
Tommy and the others on top the typhoon's staring into Tartarus filled with smoke and lava. Hawks appears in front of Tommy and the others." That is where you stop your intruding. Intruders of light" hawks stretched his hand commanding tommy.Tommy stretched his hand and suddenly, the typhoon's mouth swirling with enormous energy. It blast out into the open air aimed for hawks. Hawk swiftly flew above cloud away from tommy's typhoon's trajectory. The blast shoots across the air crashing several shard like rocks crashing it on the lava and Monsters." You bastard? You not afraid of hades. On behalf of hades, I shall bring down the wrath on y.o...." carol shouted." Get it over with already. All you guys do is make mouth and you can't do a damn thing" hawks feels embarrassed and disdain. He stretched his hand and slams them together and suddenly. He begins to multiply into thousands clones similar to him all having wings behind their back. He stretched his hand and they aimed their pro
" You are right! We need to end it. Any one who can fight in the air, should focus at the bony creature making their way towards us and anyone who can fight with the sword. Get ready to fight against that rhinosuar looking giant" tommy handed." Well, I have recharge fully and I think that's my que. I have been craving for battle since" Daniel walked out with a bottle." Look tommy, I found this" Daniel said to him. He looks into the bottle and it is a healing portion." I guess this could help your girlfriend and I if we share for the battle to come" said daniel" Where did you find this" questions tommy." Inside the my bag. Perhaps, it was added by one of the team. Perhaps Christabel' and the others who fought against the Dragon's serpent's" Daniel said. He opens the portion and drinks have of it and gives the rest to Esther. " I won't drink this just yet. I will use my energy to fight and then when the poison kicks in. I will use it so as I can fight longer " Esther slides the b
Mean while tommy and the others stood several distance away from the cerburus chimera beast. Ricky thuds his feet on the ground staring at the enemy coming towards. The cerburus rush forward towards Ricky. Open it's mouth swirling fire ready to blast out. Instantly, kelivn ascending and the cloud glows with flames and Kelivn descending swiftly with his foot covered in fire. He slams his leg on top the head of the cerburus's lion. The head of the lion gathering flame slams forcefully against the ground. Suddenly, kelivn begins to expand his body into a towering colossal flaming giant." I am sick of standing by the side lines. My system has involved" kelivn the dragon was no longer a dragon but was standing as tall as Ricky eight hundred feet tall with his body all covered in flames and red smoke. " Let me handle this one Tommy. I think I might use some boxing tips" Kelivn said." It is good to have some one as tall as you to fight the Viking style with me"" Huh, I am not a viking bi