Exploring The Greenwood Forest

John then asked," Amy, how is a dungeon created?".

Alisa also listened from the side with a careful expression while Amy replied," I don't know much about the creation of dungeons as they randomly appear out of thin air. But I know that after they appear people need to constantly clear the dungeon or else if the monster inside is full then it might lead to a dungeon breakout. In this case, the monster inside the dungeon comes out and begins to kill anything that it sees".

John said," Thank you Amy for clearing my doubts".

Amy replied," It's okay".

Alisa suddenly asked," So is there any way by which we can determine the place where the dungeon appears?".

Amy shook her head and she replied," No one knows the answer to this question. But if there is a place with the surroundings destroyed that place also reeks of an aura of death. Then we can be sure that there is a dungeon in that place and a dungeon breakout had already taken".

Listening to Amy's words both John and Alisa nodded their
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