News Leaked

Edward took Adele with him while thinking about what John had told him about.

He still couldn't help but think why would John want to leave this place. As with his power, he could easily make this city prosperous.

Suddenly he remembered that John told him that he would go away from the Zeonia Empire.

But when he realized that there was no empire other than the Zeonia Empire in this place. So doesn't it mean that he was leaving this place permanently?

This made him stunned and then he had a wry smile on his face.

Adele saw the change of expression on her father's face so she asked," Dad what happened?".

Edward rubbed Adele's head and said," Adele John might be leaving the Zeonia Empire forever in the future. So if you want to say anything to him then you can tell him".

Adele immediately gave her father a blank look and she said," John is not the kind of person I want as my husband. So Dad please don't mention this topic again".

While they were chatting suddenly Adele saw Angela. Seeing
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