
Alverine immediately said," John how can you store the Soul Grass so carelessly? As it has yet to mature".

John replied," You don't have to worry about it. As I have stored the Soul Grass in a very safe place".

After that, he stopped and then asked in a puzzled tone," Alverine why didn't I see any monster guarding the Soul Grass?".

Karin from the side said," Because it's not mature yet".

Alverine also nodded her head and added," Yes, this is one reason. Another is when the Soul Grass matures then it will release an aura that would be visible to the ordinary monster".

John just nodded his head in acknowledgment and then he said," Okay then let's search for other things".

Saying so he led the girls to hunt for more resources.

Most of the resources he found had not matured so he stored them all inside the devouring ring.

They were also very resources that had matured and John easily killed the monsters as their tier was below tier 7.

Alverine looked at the sky and found that it was goin
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