Rose Adventurer Team

" Should I eat one guava each day so that I can eat it for 300 days? But can I be satisfied with one guava each day?".

As John was lost in thought he bumped into someone. The first thing that came into his mind was," Very soft".

He also felt his hand had landed on something so he subconsciously squeezed it. He felt a soft sensation so he squeezed it once again to only feel a slap on his face.

Alisa and Amy at the side were shocked, stunned, and speechless by the scene they saw.

Niona the healer of the Rose adventurer team blushed as the boy who crashed out of nowhere not only crashed his head on her tits but also used his hands to squeeze her ass. And that was not once but twice.

She didn't have a cold expression on her face but instead, it was replaced with a flustered expression.

Rose from the side watched the scene with interest as she also saw that the boy was running toward them and collided with Niona's body directly. They didn't stop him as they recognized the boy was the one
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