Special Erza And Evelyn 3000 Words

Erza felt that what John said was good but what he didn't know was that she was Evelyn's best friend. So she also felt that since her best friend had finally decided to make a move on John.

So she had no way to stop it. At least from Evelyn as she knew that she would come to her soon.

Sure enough, she felt the familiar aura that directly came to her palace.

She immediately said," Evelyn why did you come here?".

Evelyn immediately smiled and replied," Erza you didn't inform me about your man. So of course, I am to see him".

Erza immediately said," You also have seen it Evelyn, tell me your real reason why you came here".

John from the side felt that something was wrong but he just couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

Suddenly he heard Evelyn saying, " Erza I need to borrow John for some time".

Erza replied," Of course, I can give you John. But after six hours I will come to find you".

John was puzzled as to why Erza readily agreed to her request.

So he looked at Erza and she smiled and sa
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