Chapter 5: Information

Adam, witnessing the scene, felt doubtful. He felt sympathy, but also found no other option.

"Arghh, you piece of shit!" Eric's eyes reddened, blood now soaking his fingers. His expression was filled with anger and reluctance.

The pain spread throughout his body, and his legs continued to writhe.

"I don't want to die! Fuck this shit game!"

Adam listened to Eric's final words and decided to end it quickly. He grasped the arrow that had previously pierced his shoulder and approached Eric.

"I've seen decapitated bodies, humans turned into giant pig feasts, now I realize that morality no longer applies here; the only thing that matters is survival." With all his strength, Adam drove the arrow straight into Eric's heart.

The once calm blue-eyed man finally stopped moving.

Adam absorbed his own words. An eerie silence hung for a few seconds. Only the ticking of the clock on the right screen and the faint sound of the waterfall outside the cave could be heard.

Afterward, the red screen above the throne transformed into a collection of translucent wrinkled hands. They extended and reached for Eric's body.

Adam took a few steps back, finding it eerie.

The hands dragged Eric's body onto the throne and made him sit with a limp body.

[The Hanged Man seeks your approval]

Text appeared on the left screen.

"What approval?" As Adam asked, the translucent wrinkled hands reached out towards him.

Adam witnessed the scene and sensed danger. He turned to run but didn't have enough time to react. The speed of the translucent wrinkled hands exceeded his.

The hands grabbed his shirt, pants, and legs.

Dragging Adam with tremendous force.

"What is this!?" Adam instinctively yelled in panic.

"Let go!!" He kicked forcefully but to no avail.

The translucent wrinkled hands pulled his leg and hoisted him into the air. Adam couldn't resist at this point. As the hands carried him and pinned him to the crucifix in the middle of the room.

The translucent wrinkled hands embraced him along with the crucifix. Depicting the true sacrifice.

[Condition fulfilled!]

[The Hanged Man card obtained!]

Text on the middle screen also flipped with it.

At the same time, on the left screen that previously only contained the remaining card text and a large unique frame, it was now filled with a card.

On it was clearly depicted a hanging gallows with a blond wavy-haired man hanging upside down, pinned to the gallows. Behind the gallows, a throne made of a pile of human bodies could be seen.

At the top of the card, there was another new text.

[The Hanged Man]

Adam found himself hanging upside down for almost thirty minutes. He felt dizzy, blood rushing to his head, overwhelming him. He almost passed out when a new text appeared in red on the middle screen.

[First wave completed]

[Congratulations to the player who successfully obtained the card]

[Disqualification for players who did not obtain the card begins]

At that moment, the translucent wrinkled hands suddenly disappeared. Adam immediately fell awkwardly, his head hitting the floor first before the rest of his body.

However, as it wasn't from a high height to begin with, the impact didn't have a significant effect.

Adam regulated his breathing. He didn't move for almost a full five minutes.

[Disqualification completed]

[30-minute break time]

After successfully regaining his shattered senses, Adam quickly stood up and walked towards Eric's arrows and bow lying on the ground. He collected them all, including his military knife.

"System!" He said more calmly.

[System Ready]

"What should I do next?" Adam had now achieved the first wave goal of the game by collecting one of the cards. He needed to know what he should do next.

In an instant, text appeared on the middle screen.

[The second wave will begin after the break time]

Adam looked at the four screens in front of him. At this point, he wanted to use the break time to at least catch up on his knowledge of the game. Considering he woke up when the game had already started, he felt there were many basic things he didn't know. For example, the equipment Eric had asked about earlier.

He sorted through important questions, "What is the use of this card?"

[Each card has different traits and conditions. The card will determine the path the player will take in the game, whether in terms of rules or survival]

[Each card will determine the advantages and disadvantages that the player will bear. Suitability will be required to maintain a balance between the player and the corresponding card]

[If a specific condition is met, the card can be upgraded to gain more benefits. Conversely, if a specific condition is met, the card will impose a disadvantage on the player that may result in certain misfortunes]

[The next wave of the game will require players' cards for role adjustment. And in different waves, roles will change according to the type and uniqueness of each card]

Adam read silently. Feeling it was clear enough for now.

"Explain about the beasts scattered on this island." He then asked another question that made him curious.

[Beasts are permanent challenges that must be faced by players. Each game wave will never disregard the presence of Beasts]

[Beasts have various types and are given ranks ranging from E to S. The higher the rank, the more dangerous the beast will be]

Adam remembered encountering only two types of beasts so far. The horned wolves and the giant forest boar.

"Can I get a list of the Beasts on the island along with their ranks?"

[Beasts that have not been encountered cannot be included in the list]

[The system will provide a list of Beasts that you have encountered so far]

At that moment, a new screen had appeared above the leftmost screen and next to the minimap screen.

Above it was a list that mostly consisted of question marks.


[Poisonous Green Snake-D]


[Wolf Unicorn-C]


[Gigantic Boar-A]


Adam identified the types of Beasts he had encountered. "So the snake from earlier was also a beast." He rubbed his chin.

"Where is this island located?"

[The information cannot be provided]

"Why am I here and participating in this game?"

[The information cannot be provided]

"Why can't I remember events before I was here?" Adam actually had a glimpse of fragmented memories when he attempted a surprise attack on Eric. But it was only a single scene that didn't last longer than five seconds.

[The information cannot be provided]

Finding three consecutive identical answers, Adam now understood that the System wouldn't provide information on these topics.

"So the System can only provide information related to the game..." He muttered to himself. He then remembered the most important thing and asked, "What will happen if I successfully pass all seven game waves?"

The System took a few seconds before responding.

[The System will grant one player request]

[Additionally, the player will be given the option to be free from the game and leave the island]

Adam frowned. That wasn't what he had hoped for. "I don't even know anything about my past life; I doubt I have any wishes."

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