Gary sat at his desk in his spacious room, surrounded by piles of papers and spreadsheets. He finally pulled himself out of his misery for a while, so he could attend to his mistake responsibly.

He squinted at the screen of his laptop, scrolling through the budget document he had been working on for sometime. His forehead was creased with concentration, and he kept muttering to himself as he scanned through the lines of numbers and formulas.

"Just a few more adjustments, and it should be perfect," he murmured to himself, his fingers flying across the keyboard.

Suddenly, he noticed something out of place. He leaned in closer to the screen, frowning as he studied the signature at the bottom of the document. He had signed off on the budget the other day, but now he saw that the signature didn't match his usual scrawl. It was a small detail, but it nagged at him.

"What's wrong with this signature?" he muttered, his eyes darting back and forth over the page.

Just then, there was a knock a
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